Max is dating Lucas in till Lucas cheats on her with someone the whole party let in as if it was nothing but it's now the reason the party almost splits up
As Steve kept asking what we got caught up on we never answered because mike told me not to tell anyone I saw a baby picture of him which made me went to tell everyone more " soooo are you gonna tell me what you and mike got caught up doing that made you late." That's when mike grabbed my arm and pulled me by him , everyone looked at us weirdly but I know mike probably doesn't trust me with keeping secrets that's when he whispers in my ear"if you tell them you saw a baby picture of me your dead." I just laughed And turned around and whispered into his ear" I do what I want and tell what I tell ,you can't stop me wheeler." I turn back around with a smirk and continue walking mike stands there shocked and everyone is staring at us wondering what we were saying to each other as we got to the beach everyone was just looking at it just standing I decided to sit apparently so did mike so we were both the only ones sitting everyone started going in "you going in Maxie or are you to scared ." Mike asks , I take off my cover and look at him"race ya wheeler." I say smirking "ok." He said while getting up "ready , set Go!!." we start running and then BOOM I won at least I think I did I don't really know "I clearly won." Mike said smiling "no way I did." I say lightly pushing him" no I did." He said lightly pushing me " no i DID!." I say pushing him "no I DID." He says pushing me this kept going on until we were literally pushing each other under water but we had to get up to you know breath " guys stop flirting god their are children here." Steve yells that's when I just looked down blushing " shut up Steve!!." I yell " max let me take a picture of you!." Will says I walk over to him" ok." I get in a pose —Instagram— Max-Byers:
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765 likes 243 comments Max-Byers:Beach day 😊😍🥰 —comments— Mikewheeler11:I WON!!!