06 - Tomato Face

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My eyes widened at the sudden move and my body just became frozen. I was between his arms that were stretched out against the tree.

He pulled away and a smirk was visible on his face. I looked at him shockingly.

"D-Did you do that... T-To scare me... Or did... You do that... O-On p-purpose?" I stammered and his smirk widens,

"On purpose, cutie." My face reddens and I look down,

"What's wrong?"

Me and my girlfriend were running around the park and I panted as I slowed down behind.

"Oppa! Come catch me!" She yelled,

"I can't run any further!" I yelled back, still panting,

"Oppa! If you don't run, I will kiss you." She stated,

"Kiss oppa so oppa can catch up with you." She nods and walks up to me, giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

Snapping out of my sudden trance, I tasted salty liquid on my lips when I licked them.

"H-Hey! I didn't mean to make you cry. I-I'm sorry." He apologized and I chuckled, shaking my head as I wipe my tears,

"Don't worry, it wasn't your fault. I just remembered something... Painful from the past." He nods and bites the bottom of his lips,

"Uhm... You can talk to me if you... Want to." He said as he looked down,

"Sure thing, Cherry Head." He glares at me but smiles when he saw me smiling, I guess,

"Okay then, Tomato Face." My eyes widens,

"Where did that nickname come from?" He winked,

"You know, from earlier." My face turns red again and he laughed.

We heard twigs breaking behind us and saw Jin hyung and his boyfriend Namjoon hyung.

"There you are. We've been worrying what happened to the two of you. So, Namjoon, I'll be taking my lovely brother here." Namjoon hyung smiles and his dimples showed up,

"Okay then. Have a safe trip back home, you two." He said,

"You two, too." Jin hyung started to walk away.

Before I was able to catch up, somebody pulled me, making me stumble towards that person. I felt a hot breath against my ear and somebody whispered.

"By the way, my name's Jeon Jungkook, Tomato Face."

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