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Minghao sat at a chair in his office, Seungkwan elegantly posed in front of him. The Korean male sat on a metal chair with a hand on his hip and a seductive look on his face, he was perfect. The cloth of his shirt hung loosely off his body, while his pants hugged the boy's perfect thighs. Everything about Seungkwan made him feel a way he shouldn't about his model, let alone his best friend.  Minghao came to his senses when he noticed the sound of metal hitting the hard wooden floor. Bringing his attention back to his model, the sight in front of him made Minghao feel..odd. 

His face became hot as Seungkwan stood in front of him, bent over and exposing the curves of the young boy's ass. The room became hot and the tension was filled with mixed feelings. Minghao couldn't get himself to look anywhere beside the boy in front of him. Seungkwan finally stood up after what seemed like so long and smirked at the flustered boy. A hand firmly gripped  Minghao's neck, a gasp escaping his mouth. 

This was something that happened often. Their relationship was complicated and confused both of them. Feelings were mixed and things never made sense. The pair lusted for eachother, but they never confronted their obvious feelings for one another.

Things escalated quickly as fingers began to slowly trail down the Chinese boy's stomach, eventually stopping at his member. Minghao let out breathy moans as the other began to palm his sensitive area. The two were friends with benefits in a way.  Seungkwan wanted to fuck the Chinese boy badly, but nothing had ever gone farther than making out and small touches.

This was the farthest they had ever gone. Seungkwan debated if he should keep going or if he should stop. It was obvious that Minghao was enjoying being touched but how far should he go?  Seungkwan's thoughts were interrupted by the shrill moan from the boy beneath him.  The glint in his eyes and expression on his face made it apparent that he wanted to continue.  Minghao gripped fistsfulls of the other's hair and leaned his head back onto the edge of the chair he was sitting in.  

Words couldn't describe how this felt. The feeling of Seungkwan touching him like this was such an amazing feeling. Minghao wanted this just as much as Seungkwan did, but there was something holding him back. 

"Seungkwan I can't do this" 

This was expected. Something always held both of them back from ever going all the way. Minghao was like a stone wall, unbreakable and cold. Not exactly unbreakable in the sense that it could never be destroyed, but unbreakable in the sense that Seungkwan didn't have the right tools. But what were the right tools? Seungkwan has been waiting for so long...when will it happen? Will it ever happen?

The outside world knew nothing of this. That's what made it so stressful. All of this emotional torment was kept behind doors at all times along with the terrifying risk of being exposed. All the years of hard work, gone because of a complicated relationship.

"I know you really want this and I do too but I just..can't..I'm so sorry Seungkwan"

Minghao sobbed into his hands uncontrollably, tear soaked hands covering his face. The Korean boy looked at the other, he was shaking and whispering inaudible things to himself. Seungkwan never knew what to do in this situation; Leaving him alone was cruel but trying to comfort him made it worse. So all he ever did was stay in the same room with the crying boy, sometimes glancing at him. 

Thoughts clouded Minghao's head and his chest ached. It felt like someone had stuffed cotton down his throat and his failed attempts to swallow made it worse. 

Why do I keep doing this? Why do I keep hurting people?

The two kept their distance in silence. No one dared to speak, the only sound being Minghao's quiet sniffs. It stayed like this for a while. It could've been hours, days, months..maybe even years until someone spoke.

"It's not your fault Minghao"        

Seungkwan's voice echoed throughout the room along with the squeak of the wood floor as he walked towards the crying boy. Minghao felt the warmth of arms wrapping around him, he accepted the hug and continued to sob. Seungkwan's breathing calmed the other down, eventually making him drift off.

The Korean boy heard the muffled voices of customers and knew it was going to be a long night


I finally finished the first chapter! For some reason this took a really long time to write. Also if you're confused there are three rooms in the shop. The studio they make clothes in, the actual shop, and the employees lounge. The studio is upstairs and right above the shop and the employees lounge is a room next to the shop on the first floor. I hope you can get what it looks like.

Facination - Junhao Where stories live. Discover now