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Hey I just met you and this is crazy so here's my number-

The boy slammed the dismiss button on his phone. He hated that stupid song but it always woke him up, so he couldn't complain. He looked around the room, instantly regreting ever waking up.

It was currently twelve in the afternoon and he was less than thrilled to get out of bed. Sometimes he was tempted to just go back to bed, but a bitch needs money, so he never went through with that plan.

Groaning, he forced himself to get out of bed. He looked around the room before sliding his feet into his bunny slippers. People thought it was weird that he wore such childlike slippers but they were comfortable, and it wasn't like he was a model or something.

The boy lazily walked to the kitchen, dragging his feet and slouching his back along the way. He sat down, instantly noticing the coffee smell that tinted the air. The boy sat in a confused and tired state until he remembered that he set the coffee maker last night.

Junhui you idiot

He facepalmed at his own stupidity. Jun didn't always get enough sleep, but today he was even more tired than usual. All because he had to take the night shift last night. He hadn't gotten home until five am and he passed out as soon as he got home. Not even bothering to change into sleep appropriate clothing.

Coffee never actually helped Jun wake up, but he still drank it anyway. It was part of his routine to set the coffee machine the night before. It was so engraved in him that sometimes he tried to set it twice, soon realising that he had already done it.

He didn't like taking the night shifts whatsoever. The only reason he ever took them is because his boss asks him too, and he doesn't feel like getting fired at the moment.

Junhui had been sitting and staring at the coffee machine for a couple minutes now. His eyes started to burn and he snapped out of thought. The tired boy stood up and started to fix himself some coffee. Steam arose out of his cup as the hot bean juice was dispensed from the machine.

The question of which flavour of creamer he should use popped into his head as he poured the steaming coffee. He settled on the caramel macchiato, as he felt fancy today, and he poured a little bit into his already full cup. The added liquid made the coffee rise to the very top of the mug. Junhui bent down and took a swig of scorching coffee, instantly regretting it.

His tounge felt like the fire of Hell had intruded his mouth. Junhui used the few brain cells he had left to get a cup of cold water from the faucet and drink it. The feeling of the cold liquid on his burnt tounge made him sigh with relief.

The Chinese boy glanced at the stove and noticed the time.


He was late for work.

Facination - Junhao Where stories live. Discover now