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Me and jahseh walked down the hallway. We didn't say much and i respected it. Before we reach our classroom he turns his head to me.

"I know you think I'm weird but thank you. I appreciate you." He spoke and i whip my head to him.

"Why do you think that? I think you're by far from that." I said looking into his eyes, he cuts the eye contact short.

"Okay." He says. I was confused for a bit on why all he said was okay. I opened the door for him and went inside.

Elijah, all beaten and bruised up sits and eyes jahseh. Mr.Johnson immediately stands up after we entered. I look at jahseh's hands and his stuffs them in his hoodie.

"Jahseh Onfroy, I am up here with what you did! I hope you get expelled for what you did! Go to the office!" Mr.Johnson's voices booms through the room.


"And Siani, what are you doing?! Why can't you just be a bystander for once!" He cuts me off. I looked at jahseh, who's very pissed off right about now.

"She has done nothing but help you narcissistic fuck. If anything, I'd whip yo puss ass too." Jahseh confronts the teacher and leaves the room. Sending chills down everybody's spine.

I walk out to catch up. I can hear Mr.Johnson calling for me, ordering me to go back.

"Listen, you don't deserve this. Nobody does." I finally catch up, standing in front of him so he would stop.

"Yet, shit like this still happens to me. It'll never change." He said.

"Maybe it's doesn't have to change but you can't keep going through this alone. I can tell it hurts jah, you're not fooling anybody." I said and he looks down. I've hit his soft spot.

"If you keep being alone , you'll go through the exact same bullshit everything day. You need somebody. You need me."

"I don't need you."

"Well, then i need you." I picked his head up and studied his facial expression, I couldn't make out what he was feeling.

"You don't have to do this but—here's my number, text me your address. I'll stop by and we can talk everything that happen. Im here , i care jah." I said genuinely, handing him a piece of paper and walking back to class.

I stuff the paper in my pocket. Entering the office, there stood my principle. She screamed and told me things like beating up people is not good and what not. To keep things short; she expelled me.

I walked to my locker and while walking I passed Mr.J's class, looking at Siani. She looked like she got something on her mine. It's probably me. I should've just let that fuck nigga mess with me. I should've stayed quiet.

I grabbed my all my stuff from my locker and went back to the office where my mom stood waiting for me. She puts her arm around me and we walk out the school.

"You know you can't keep beating people. You'll end up in court again." She lectured.

"Im sorry."

"You're always sorry."

"Sorry." I said and she sighed.

"Jesus jah, you're making things hard for me." She cried and i just stared at my feet. We got inside the car and drove home.

I left head from the pillow and check my phone. 4:45.pm. I get up and walked over to my chair and picked up the joggers i wore and pulled out Siani's number.

Studying the numbers, i looked up and imagined her. Her curly hair, short, pretty self. She's a pretty girl. I crumpled the paper and threw it out.

I waited and waited checking my phone for his call or his text. I really felt bad for him. He really doesn't deserve have the shit that's put on him. I lay in bed, on the edge of giving up until i heard my phone going off.

7 Broward ave.

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