Gaston x oc

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"Can you go get some apples from the town?" Esmes father asked.
"But father...don't you think you should come with me? You know since we are new here?" She asked nervously as they moved into this village just two days ago and were yet to meet anyone, She also didn't know her way around the place at all.
"You'll be fine, it will do you good to explore." He said
"Okay father.." She grabbed the basket on the dining table and rested the handle on her arm.
She went to open the door and leave when
"Oh and esme" father called and She turned to him
"Once you have the apples come straight home okay?" He said. Esme knew that he knew that she was going to go adventuring outside of the village after getting the apples.
"Okay father" before she left she slipped a book from the desk by the door into her basket. She shut the door behind her and thought about the fact that her father wouldn't know if she wandered for a while.
She walked through the streets trying to blend in the best she could, hiding her book with in her basket as she heard that a girl named bell used to read and everyone thought she was strange...she lives in a castle now with a prince, esme thought to herself.
She finally reached the Apple stand.
"May I have five apples please?" She asked while smiling sweetly.
"Of course, are you new here?" He asked while putting apples into the basket, not noticing the book.
"Oh yes..My father and I moved here two days ago.." she said shyly.
"Hm, Gaston is going to be after a pretty girl like you." He said.
"Gaston?" She asked.
"Oh yes he is a strong handsome man and everyone admired and loves him, even after the incident with the beast." The man said.
"Oh is that the beast that that girl belle is with now?" Esme said
"Yes. The word gets round fast huh, but anyway Gaston used to be obsessed with belle because of her beauty..." he said.
"Oh uh okay..I'll mind myself then" she said a she paid the man and walked away.
She was walking the opposite way from home as she was going to explore find somewhere hidden and read. She wasn't aloud to read in front of her father because he found it strange.
Esme continued to walk through the crowd then not really taking notice of where she was going as she was stuck in her thoughts, then all of a sudden, she bumped into someone and stumbled back slightly
"I i am sorry" she looked up to the person as they turned around.
She was looking at a tall strong handsome man, and she could tell he was well..up himself.
"Why hello there" his deep exaggerated voice said.
"Hello...I'm sorry I had better be going." She tried to walk past him.
But he stood in her way smiled and looked down at her blue eyes.
"I'm Gaston" he said
Great she thought. Of course I bump into Gaston.
"Esme.." She said giving her name for some reason "I really need to go" she said once again trying to pass him but failing.

" She said giving her name for some reason "I really need to go" she said once again trying to pass him but failing

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He once again gave that smile. Esme frowned back telling him to back away. And he did needing to rethink his strategy.
He watched her as she walked off into the distance.
"My she is even more beautiful than belle!" Gaston said to lefou.
"I need to have her!" Gaston spoke again and smiled.
"Are you sure about this?" Lefou said
Gaston just ignored him and started following Esme.

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