Esme found herself on a hill with a single tree resting on top. She sat down by the tree and pulled out her book. Opened it to where she had left off and started reading. As she got deeper into the book she ended up lying down on the floor, book above her and her hair sprawled out on the grass.
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Her dress most likely becoming a green colour due to the grass rubbing on her. Gaston crawled up the hill and saw Esme lying on the floor reading. He thought to himself that she was just like bell, but prettier. He stood. "Esme" He said in a broad voice. Esme jumped out of dream world and shoved the book back into the basket, she was startled by his sudden appearance. "Gaston!" She said shocked, not knowing what else to do. "I thought you needed to get home?" He asked smiling. "I did, I mean I do." She stood and started walking down the hill. Gaston followed quickly behind. "Wait!" He said. "What do you want Gaston?" She asked annoyed. "Come to the tavon tonight with me!" He asked. She sighed. "If I go will you leave me be?" She asked and he nodded smiling. She sighed again. "Okay I'll be there." She said then walked down the hill leaving Gaston behind. She eventually got home and slowly opened the door. "Father I'm home!" She yelled through the house but there was no answer. She shut the door behind her only to see a note stuck to the door. 'I am going to Paris for a week, sorry that I didn't tell you sooner but I have some business to deal with.' Esme sighed and wished that he would tell her these things in advance, he always did this to her. She went to her bedroom and sat on her bed, pulling out her book from underneath the apples and started reading again. She got so into her book she didn't realise that it was becoming dark out side. She glanced out the window and gasped as she realised that she promised to go to the tavern. She plopped her book down on the bed and changed her dress as the other one had grass stains on it, then she rushed outside and made sure that the door was shut, it wasn't long before she reached the tavern. She walked in and saw Gaston straight away, sitting in his chair looking as if he was sulking and thinking at the same time, and lefou stood nearby.
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Gaston saw her walk in and his face lit up and smiled. He walked over to her confidently and said. "Ah Esme I thought you weren't coming!" He grabbed her arm and pulled her over to a table in the corner of the room, pulled out a chair for her then sat down himself. There was a small awkward silence as he downed the rest of his drink. "So." He said. "I saw you reading a book earlier, what was it about?" He asked trying to make conversation. Esme raised an eyebrow and asked "Do you actually care? Or are you trying to sound interested?" She said, to which he stuttered then laughed avoiding the question. "I'm going to get a drink, do you want anything?" Gaston stood. "No thank you." She said and watched him walk to the bar, she took this chance to leave the tavern as she technically kept her promise as she did show up. She trailed back home with her nose in her book that she had hidden in her dress, it was a small pocket book about a fantasy land with Fairy's and dragons. She eventually reached home and kind of felt bad that she had left Gaston alone, as he seemed quite upset when she walked in and he didn't think that she was going to come. She brushed off her thoughts as she didn't want to care. She went into her bedroom to get the basket full of apples and placed them on the wooden dining table in the kitchen. When she heard a firm knock on her door, she walked over and opened the door just a crack, only for it to be pushed fully open by Gaston and then barged in. "Gaston!" Once again she being shocked and not being able to say anything else. "I thought you might like me round for dinner and to meet your family!" He said broadly. "There not here, my father has gone for the week" Esme said while trying to get him out of the house subtly. "Oh that's fine we can just have dinner together then!" He said heading for the dining table. "No gaston tonight's not a good night." She said sternly, to which he smiled, he enjoyed well..just her. "Is that so?" He walked towards her and she backed away until she hit the wall, Gaston put his hands either side of her against the wall. "When are you free my future wife?" He got close to her face. "Not for a long long time...and I'm not your future wife!" She said and slipped from under his arms. "You need to leave." She said pointing to the open door, to which he complied and smiled again. "See you tomorrow Esme." He yelled as he walked out. She then slammed the door and slid down it onto the floor, resting her head back on it then sighing. Gaston reaches lefou who was standing out side waiting for him. "Well?" Lefou asked. "I like the fight" Gaston said and walked straight past him, leaving lefou to catch back up with him. Esme watched out the window to make sure that he had left fully before she settled down in her room to read. She must have been tired as she doses off with the book rested on her chest. All of a sudden she was awoken by a knocking on her door. "What the?" She looked out of her bedroom window and saw that it was pitch black outside and everyone must be asleep by now right?! She cautiously made her way to the front door and opened it just a crack. "Esme!" Gaston said in a jolly voice and slumped clumsily against the door pushing it open. "Gaston what are you doing at my house so late!" She moaned. "Well I..I want to talk, yeah talk." He said drowsily and walked in in a jaggedly manner, not being able to stand still. "Your drunk." Esme put her hand on her head. "I am not!" He said as he collapsed to the ground and fell asleep. Esme sighed "you have got to be kidding me" She said to herself as she closed the door and stared dragging Gaston to her bedroom with great difficulty as she was pretty weak, but eventually made it and slumped him on her bed. "Great now where do I sleep..." she knew that she'd have to sleep next to him as she would never go into her fathers bedroom as it was pretty much forbidden. She climbed in beside him and pushed him a little further away then rested her head on the pillow, sure enough falling asleep instantly.