25~ Advice

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This chapter's probably going to have zero to no action at all, judging by the title so, start scrolling and voting~

Third person POV

"Alright let's go."

Both of them started to head towards the Pokeschool to meet up with their two friends. Kayano and Rio.

Kayano told them that Rio had wanted to meet the two boys to see how much they'd grown as a trainer. The blonde herself, earned a Loppunite from the mega evolution guru but the trainers were wondering whether she had tried it herself.

"Nagisa chan~" Rio greeted the blue head with a teasing tone before catching him in a headlock. "Why didn't you tell me that Fomantis evolved?!"

Karma coughed from Nagisa's side to gain her attention, "So rude. You didn't even greet your partner in crime." The blonde raised her head towards the red head as she grinned.

"Hello to you too, Karma kun~" Rio said while Nagisa tried to free himself from her death grip. His neck was hurting slightly because of the awkward bending position he was in. He wondered if this was what it felt like to be attack with Vice grip.

"Uh...Rio? I think that you should let go of Nagisa kun." Kayano said while pointing at the blue head who looked liked he was pawing at the blonde's hand to no progress.

She released him while sticking her tongue out, "Sorry, sorry."

Everyone except Kayano seemed to have a key stone with them now. Rio's own was gleaming brightly as it rested on her pink and blue gloves that she was wearing.

"You didn't really tell us that you got a mega stone." Karma said pointedly, his eyes gazing at the key stone that was on her left glove curiously.

She simply smiled before pointing at Karma's bracelet. "I could say the same for you."

Kayano sighed and smiled awkwardly, "I guess we have a lot to catch up."


In the end, everyone's pokemons were out, greeting each other and conversing. They were quite shocked to see the development of their friends, some jealous too.

"Nagisa chan has a key locket too?" Rio said while looking at the locket that the blue head had taken off his neck.

Guess, she really shouldn't be surprised about him having a mega stone because of the potential that he has. The battle that she saw months ago must be some part of it.

"Ne, I really wanted to use mega evolution but the old man told me to use it only in emergency for now." Rio said while glancing at Lopunny who had the loppunite on her ear.

The three trainers blinked at her statement, "Didn't you pass the trial that the guru had put you through?" Nagisa asked, getting a nod as a response.

"I had but..." She raised her hand near her face. The trainers watched and listened to her curiously. "He told me that I still had some errors which wouldn't allow me to use the bonding power or some crap like that."

Kayano nodded while looking at the bunny Pokemon who was hopping around with Pichu hanging on her ear. "Your Lopunny already looks very strong already.'

Rio looked up at the sky and sighed, " I know right."

Nagisa turned towards Karma who gazes at the key stone. His eyes flashing with some kind of doubt. The blue head looked at his own key stone. This wasn't going to be easy, was it?

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