19~ Psyched up

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Hello! This chapter doesn't contain much battle since I did that part in the previous chapter. (I can still feel my fingers shouting at me to stop writing lol)

Third person POV

"The two heroes who will have the determination to even cross the uncrossable oceans and the warm heart that'll melt even the coldest, will have a red future." Olympia said while feeling the visions being displayed in air.

The last vision showed red, not a plain red color though. Some having bumpy and hazy red, some were smooth red and some were even in the darkest shade of red.

"Red in the future? Does that mean that they'll die?" One of her follower, Hanabi, asked, a worried and concerned expression on her face which was shared by all of her followers.

"No...that doesn't just mean they'll die. Let the stars show what they show because human minds won't be able to comprehend every single message of theirs..." Olympia paused while looking up at the starry roof which shone and twinkled.

"Or maybe the stars might want us to not comprehend what they say." Her followers nodded their heads, understanding her statement and began to meditate along side their Pokemon's who talked to them by being connected spiritually.

After they went on with their work, Olympia closed her eyes while replaying the vision in her head.

This was the third time she had a vision like this one. The first time was because of the huge war between Kyogre and Groudon. The second was when the sundial was in danger.

This third time though, she saw a very peculiar vision. She saw a Pokemon and a man slowly forming a bond, such a strong bond that.....the rest was a very disturbing image that she didn't want to recall so she stopped her train of thoughts.

"May the heroes arrive at the city of stars safely."


A mammoth pokemon trudged through the snowy path with steady but stable steps, heading towards Anistar city. On top of the Mamoswine, were two people clad in warm clothes for the cold temperature of this road.

"Nagisa, are you feeling cold?" Karma asked, feeling the boy sitting behind him shiver when a gust of wind blew from the mountains to them.

"N-no, it's alright." Nagisa said while shaking his head not wanting to bother the red head.

They were right now on route 17 a.k.a Mamoswine road. Both of them had brought warm clothes along with them but it seemed that the blue head was still feeling the chill creeping up on him.

"Are you sure? You can take my scarf if you want to." Karma said as he directed the Mamoswine to go towards the right direction.

Nagisa felt himself get warm and fuzzy again at his concern and a slight urge to get closer to him took over him causing him to wrap his arms around Karma's waist.

Luckily, just then a strong gust of wind blew, giving him the perfect excuse to hug the red head.

Karma said nothing but continued directing Mamoswine on where to go. The wind had already stopped but Nagisa continued hugging him, feeling the warmth comforting him in a very weird but comfy manner.

"Oh? What's that?" Karma asked while telling the mammoth Pokemon to head towards a certain area.

Nagisa, still hugging Karma, looked at the place where Karma was watching to see a tiny brown shivering figure.

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