My Meeting With Miss U

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So I was sitting there drinking fire whiskey when I heard a noise.

It sounded like horses galloping through the forest...centaurs I thought the, noise was getting closer and closer it reminded me of thunder, oh how I hate thunder so I decided to hide behind my chair when there was a loud clump.

The noise was right out the front of the door. It couldn't be a centaur because the noise of there hooves was still disappearing into the distance. There was a creek as my front door began to open, by this point I was hyperventilating trying my all to keep my breathing at a steady pace but then I saw a dark shadowy figure peering over me.

"Ahhhhhhhh" I screamed as did it. "Who and What are you"

"Ummm my names Umbridge, Miss Dolores Jane Umbridge" she replied "And who are you may I ask?"

"You know who I am" I exclaimed as I arose from behind the chair.

"Ohh your that horrid little Mr Potters friend Ron Weasley"

"Yes but I'm not that horrid little Potters friend any more because he killed-" the thought of hermione dying made me feel faint.

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