Chpt 1 - the introduction

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You just moved into addison apartments with your family, and already got a weird feeling about the place. Your mom said this was the only affordable living space in town, and that was the best she could do.
You went to your room and looked around "Yea...this is gonna do nicely"
You unpacked your things and set everything up.
You walked out of your room
'Hey mom! Im going to go introduce myself to the neighbors!"
No response. You shrugged and walked out of the room. You went next-door and knocked on the door, a few seconds later a person with a blue ponytails and a mask answered. He was wearing a black sweater, maroon-coloured pants, and some blue tennis shoes. ' (Y/N), i just moved here, i live nextdoor'   'hello (Y/N), i'm sal, my friends call me sally face. Nice to meet you'
'Nice to meet you gonna go introduce myself to the other neighbors...bye sal!' You waved and walked away

×Timeskip to when you meet larry~×

You knock on the door to his room 'hey larry...your mother said i should introduce myself'

'Com'on in bro'

You walked in ' (Y/N). Nice to meet you'
He stood speechless for a few moments before snapping back into reality 'h-hi...i'm larry nice to mean you!'
You giggled and smiled, and saw a small blush across his face
' you like metal?'
'Fuck yea! Do you know sanitys fall?'
He looked shock.  'You know them to!? Finally! Someone who shares the same music taste'  
He turned on the radio/speaker and blasted 'singular' by sanitys fall.
You both head-banged for a solid 10 minutes before you got dizzy.
'Hey i have to go...see you tomorrow?'

He turned if off
'Oh...bye, and yeah'  he handed you a slip of paper 'here's my number, text me'
'Thanks, i'll text you after dinner. Bye larry'

Larry's point of view~~
Me and (Y/N) get along great...i can tell we're gonna be bro's like me and sal are...for sure'  a small blush spreaded across his face  'or maybe...something more'

A/N: This is for either a boy or girl btw, and this is who the book is for

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