9. Amusement Park Plan

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At night, Shougo can't sleep thinking about Laala's kiss


Laala then kiss Shougo

"That calmed you down?" asked Laala with a smile
"Ah..um..." said Shougo in shock

"Her lips.... very cold..." thought Shougo

Back to reality

"Laala... I hope tomorrow will fine" said Shougo while touching his cheek

Suddenly there's a message from Non

"Meet me at the school gate now with Asahi-san" said Shougo while reading the message
"What? What?" said Asahi who was reading a comic on his bed

"Non want to meet us now, let's go" said Shougo getting up taking his jacket
"Shougo wait!" said Asahi run to him while getting his jacket

At the school gate

Non, Chiri, Dressing Pafe are already at the school gate

"Okay everyone's here right?" asked Chiri
"Wait! What about Yui?" asked Asahi
"Yeah and what about Koyoi, Mirei-san and Sophie-san?" asked Shougo

"We can't ask Yui here since she's Laala's roommate after all" said Leona
"Koyoi-san have something to do so he can't come but I already told him, while Mirei-san and Sophie-san should'nt know this"

"So what is it?" asked Shougo

"Soo tomorrow we will go to the amusement park, it was my plan because I secretly read Onee-chan's diary" said Non while looking at her notes
"What? That looking at her privacy right?!" asked Dorothy
"Well I have no choice... here's some fact, Onee-chan only have 3 weeks left... and she looks alright because she do a  therapy so that no one can't see her as a sick person but inside she's..." said Non with serious look holding her tears

The others are shock hear it

"That.... We don't know..." said Leona
"Laala..." said Shougo look down

"That's why I'm making this amusement park plan, in Onee-chan's diary, she wants to go to amusement park with her friends especially Shougo-niichan. We already go to amusement park a family this time I want to make it Onee-chan with her friends" said Non while reading

"Now that you mention it, she did told me about it when we're on our way to Paparajuku.." said Shion


Laala, Sophie and Shion are in the train to Paparajuku

"Laala, I know you're excited, just wait a little bit okay" said Sophie
"I know I know, I just can't wait!!" said Laala excitedly

Suddenly it showed an amusement park at the window

"Woah an amusement park" said Shion looking at the window
"Woahh sugoii" said Sophie

"Ahh I want to go with everyone" said Laala with a smile
"With us or Shougo?" asked Shion with a smirk
"Everyone of course! But I also want to be with Shougo too" said Laala blushing

Back to reality

"Heehhh" said Dorothy
"So here's the plan" said Non

The next day

All of them are in the amusement park, Some of them are waiting for Non, Chiri and Mirei to collect the tickets. Shougo took a glace at Laala and goes to her

"Hm? What's wrong?" asked Laala
"Do you hide something from me?" asked Shougo
"Eh? What do you mean?"

"I got a news that you only have..."
"Ahh you mean my time... I was going to tell you later today but since you already know.." said Laala with a sad smile
"Daijoubu..daijoubu, it was my fault no telling you sooner" said Laala
"Then since I know your time, can I use most of it with you?" said Shougo holding Laala's hand

Laala was surprised at Shougo but then she smiled as a yes

Non, Chiri and Mirei comes and give them the tickets. All of them have fun in the amusement park like play tea cups, rally go round, house of mirrors and roller coasters through Laala can't get on due to her illness. When the others are line up to the ride, Laala, Shougo, Yui and Asahi are waiting for them at the drink stall

"It's rare that you don't want to ride that roller coaster Yui?" asked Laala
"Ahh I want to but this baka nii-san can't, I don't want to be seated alone there" said Yui while glancing at Asahi and Shougo who are buying drinks
"Ahaha gomen Yui, if only I can ride it, we all can ride it together" said Laala apologizing

"Ehh?! yume-daijoubu Laala, besides I want to stay with you hehe" said Yui while go near Laala and hug her

While at Asahi and Shougo

When both of them waiting for their drinks, Asahi spot Yui who's hugging Laala

"You sure are tough Shougo.." said Asahi
"Well Manaka-san only have that much time with us, you sure have it tough.." said Asahi with a worried look on Shougo
"Can't be helped.. we already tried but then it failed"

After that they all played together until dark, at night, they saw a parade that held in the middle of the park. They watch the parade together and laugh together, moments later Non give a signal to Shougo and Shougo take Laala's hand

"Laala, let's go over there" said Shougo
"Eh? Ah kashikoma.."


To be Continued!!

To be Continued!!

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