2. Revelation

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The next day, SoLaMi Dressing, WITH and MyDream were called by the principal to the meeting room

"Sorry everyone to bother your day off, but there's someone I like you all to meet" said Principal Ookanda

And then the door opens and they all see Hibiki and Fuwari comes in

"Hibiki-san?! Fuwari?!" said SoLaMi Dressing
"Minna, long time no see" said Fuwari with a smile
"Yo" said Hibiki

After that Hibiki and Fuwari go in front of them

"So the reason you all here is that, one of my movie company partner want to make a based movie of Japan Love Story, and they agree and want all of you to be part of it" said Hibiki
"Japan Love Story!?!?!?" shout all of them except Dorothy, Shion, Koyoi and Shougo

"What is that?" asked Dorothy
"The infamous romance novel book about an idol girl name Nana fell in love with a normal boy name Miwa but they can't be together due to different life and family" said Shion
"Um! I'm the one who suggest it since the main place is here" said Fuwari to Laala
"Fuwari! Arigatou!" said Laala while hugging Fuwari

"But, the main already been selected by the company" said Hibiki
"Who?" asked Mirei
"The one who played Miwa is Yumekawa Shougo" said Hibiki while looking at Shougo
"EEHHH?!" shout Shougo
"Oh my! Omedetou!" shout Asahi while patting Shougo's head
"Omedetou Shougo" said Koyoi

All of them congratulate Shougo

"Then the Nana will be played by Laala!?" said Dorothy
"Ah no.... the one who will be Nana is the director of the company's daughter, Laala-san will be my partner for this movie" said Hibiki
"EHH?!" shout Laala
"Heeehhhh, so you play as a boy then" said Shion
"Um.. since I'm more gorgeous as a boy" said Hibiki with a smirk

The others just give a doted eyes to Hibiki

"May I ask, what company is the one who host this movie?" asked Leona
"Ahh it's Akabane movie company"

"Eh?...." thought Laala, Yui and WITH who surprised

"Her name is Mimi.. Akabane Mimi"

"Akabane... you mean by Akabane from that famous movie company?" asked Laala

"Um.. she also an actress since her father is from the director's company" said Asahi

"That explains she's mean, from what I know most of actresses are mean" said Yui
"Yui, You watch too much drama-_-" said Asahi while patting Yui's head

Back to reality

"Then Nana will be played..." "by Akabane-san" thought Yui and Asahi while looking at Laala and Shougo with worried look

"No..." said Shougo in low voice
"Eh?" said some of them in the room
"Sorry but I don't want to be the main of this movie, I prefer not to play at all" said Shougo with an angry look
"Shougo..." said Koyoi while holding Shougo's shoulder
"Eh? Why? You will be famous since this novel is very famous even outside Japan loves it also the one who recommend you is the director's daughter herself" said Hibiki 

"What?..." said Laala with surprised and Shougo look at Laala

"I just can't, sorry..." said Shougo while going out of the room
"Shougo wait!" said Laala while chase him

"Okay, anyone can explain?" asked Nino
"Later, Hibiki-san. Can you wait for a while for him, also for everyone here to think" said Koyoi
"Um... It's okay, filming will start in 4 days so be hurry" said Hibiki
"Okay then everyone dismiss" said Principal Ookanda

Laala was searching for Shougo and then she goes into the park and see him looking at the pond while sitting on the edge of the pond

"Shougo...." Said Laala while coming closer
"Ah Laala... sorry about earlier... it's just..."
"You don't want to be partnered with your ex-girlfriend right?" said Laala while sitting beside Shougo

Shougo got very surprised at Laala's statement, the fact that she knows about his ex and she's okay with it

"Surprised?"said Laala with a smile
"How did you know...?" asked Shougo with surprised
"Yesterday night, Yui told me about it with Asahi-san"
"Those two...." Said Shougo in angry look
"Hey it's not their fault, I'm the one who ask first" said Laala while hitting Shougo's shoulder
"Wakatta wakatta..." 

Laala was looking at the pond with a straight look for a while 

"Also.... Shougo...."

She look at Shougo with a serious look 

"I want you to take the part of this movie"     


Did Laala just tell Shougo to do the movie?! What will happen next?! To Be Continued!

Did Laala just tell Shougo to do the movie?! What will happen next?! To Be Continued!

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