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(Y/N)'s POV...

Hi, I'm (Y/N)... you see I'm a side of Thomas... and I know... I'm a girl... the only one actually... No one has ever seen me. But I've seen everyone... and I'm so glad I don't go out there... all because they're so childish! There's like five fights a day! But I know I have to show myself... and that day is today!... Why Today? you may ask, see today is my 18th birthday...and in every Disney movie, everything exiting happens on your 18th birthday...So I guess I should have a little fun!


My phone vibrated as I put head phone around my neck saying it was break time. Yes, we have break time and stuff. Thomas' mind is basically a high school, Logan/Logic is obviously the principle. Patton/Morality is the vise principle and the kindest person there, he always stops the fights and everything. Virgil/Anxiety is the Music teacher and the head of the that department. Deceit teach's math and all that boring stuff. Then you have Roman/Creativity he teach's Languages, Drama, poetry and PE. I'm supposed to be there too. I'm supposed to teach music and stuff, as I represent Music. But I don't think I ever will.

I wait 5 minutes waiting for everyone to go to the cafe and get a snack before leaving. I made sure if I looked okay before leaving. {Outfit and stuff}


Make up

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Make up

Make up

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I looked at my phone and smiled

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I looked at my phone and smiled. I'm going to do it! I left my room feeling anxious about what everyone would think about me. It's bad enough Patton know's about me. And I know he's still trying to find me. I saw a group of little kids running down the corridor laughing. (Yeah they're when your created your automatically turn 5) I sign and carry on walking to the cafe. Once I got there I heard loads of talking and stuff like high school. I take a shaky breathe before walking in and straight to the coffee machine. Everyone stops talking and looks at me. I deiced to put my headphone's on and listen to music. I start to hum which was slowly taking my nerves away. I started to whisper the next song which was Good For You. When my coffee was done I turned to look at all the sides and jumped when I saw Patton and Thomas in my face. I took a step back feeling more anxious than I ever have been. "Who are you?"Patton asked as Logan walked up to us

"What are you?"Logan asked as Thomas pushed him away

"What side do you represent?"Thomas asked as I felt a tear go down my check. I was done for. "Are you ok?" I slowly nodded and tried to walk away while keeping my face down "Music?"Thomas called as I stopped in my tracks and looked at him over my shoulder "Is that you?"I signed knowing I was going to get a big hug. I bit my lip while nodding. Patton obviously launched himself at me and so did Thomas. For once I felt accepted. A bell went and I kind of jump, Thomas and Patton started to laugh as Logan told everyone to go they're lesson's and said I could help Virgil.

"Thanks Logan...I appreciate it"I said as Patton walked away with Roman and Thomas "But, it's not necessary"

"Well, Virgil only knows bands and stuff...but you should know everything about music!"he said as I blushed a little "Have fun! I got to help Deceit with Math's!"

"Okay!"I said as one of the kissed (I MEANT KIDS!) tapped my leg. I kneeled down so I was they're height "What's up?"

"Your my new Music teacher, right?"he asked as I signed

"I don't know... I'm just going to help Virgil, I guess"

"Okay! I'm understanding! That mean's I-"

"You understand everyone, I know come on...lesson time"A voice said as Understanding ran away "You must be, Music... right?"

"Right! and Your Virgil or Anxiety! or to Prince Hot Topic"I smiled as I stood up probably while looking at him.

"How do you so much about me?"He asked as we started to walk to the music department 

"I pay attention"I said as he just scoffed "Like you will in my lesson"

"Oh,okay miss.bossy!"

"Shut up!"I said as we walked into the class were everyone was talking and laughing. I walked to the front of the class and wrote Welcome to the black parade on the board. Everyone went silent when I turned to face them all "Welcome to the black parade... Who know's who's it's by?"I asked as a few hands went up. I looked at the back table in the corner who were laughing "Is something funny?"I asked as I walked over to them

"N-nothing"They replied as I smirked and walked away

"Virgil may let you laugh and talk in his class, but right now I'm teaching so no talking or laughing unless I tell you to... alright, understanding?"

"Yes!"he said as he stood up

"Who sings this song?"I asked as he smiled

"MCR,of course"he replied as I wrote MCR on the board 

"You may sit...."I said while looking around the class until I found someone on they're phone "You, with the phone... what does MCR stand for?"

"MCR stands for My Chemical Romance"he said while standing up and putting his phone away "They also sang, I'm not okay {I promise}"

"Good...."I stopped looking at him blankly


"very good Jordan"I said as I wrote My Chemical Romance on the board "does anyone want to add any songs?"I asked as loads of hands went up "All right, well start from the front... everyone should write all these songs down and you only get to say one song...okay...right lets do this!"

The only girl....|Sanders Sides| ~Roman X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now