A female side{2}A female side

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Roman's POV...

Hi, I'm Roman...or prince...or creativity...or sir sings a lot! I have many names...anyways! everyone knows me... and honestly...I can't keep up with everyone...yes, everyone...You see at some point in the mind of Thomas, something went wrong and there's too many sides... everyone respects the "mains" and obviously, I'm one of them... and the mains are teachers...Yeah, teachers! Your probably thinking "Ugh! Teachers! I just finished my Christmas holidays and gone back to school... I seriously don't need you talking about Them! right now!"I know, I know... I feel your pain every time I see Logan...Trust me...anyways, we're teacher's...and its fun! like loads of fun... Thomas' mind is basically a high school... and the "mains" are sometime's called...The plastics...Which I think is awesome! but Logan thinks otherwise...He says we should be called "The mains" as...well that's what we are! We all have nick names though....everyone calls me so many different names I cant keep up! but my favorite is prince....But there's three main one's for Virgil "The drifter" and "The gifted"{See what I did there?} but for my nick names for him there's so many! but he likes "Emo nightmare" the most....Patton is just called "Dad" or father-y things....Logan is "Teach" or "Robot"....Deceit is called "Slimy boi" and even I get chills down my spine when someone says it...I feel like there's supposed to someone else...but I don't know who....


I was having a good day, I was doing PE all day. Which means Thomas' side's would be knights in no time! The bell for break was going to go off in a couple of minutes, so I told everyone to get change and head to the cafe. When the bell went everyone was filling into the cafe, yeah we have a yard and a field but we mostly stay inside. The first of the "main" sides was Patton, of course he would be first his class is down the hall. Patton is the vice-principle, he's the kindest person there! Second was Virgil and Deceit, they were on the other side of the hall/drama studio. Virgil teaches music and stuff (But I teach the Drama) Then Deceit teach's math's and science. The last was Logan, he's the principle (Of course!) he does come and help us with our lesson's but mostly me and Deceit as we don't understand much, but we give it our best. Thomas came out of nowhere sitting next to me, he smiled and waved at me before Patton came rushing over telling us what had happened in the first two periods. Patton normally marks all the test's and homework assignments with Logan and helps Virgil with music and stuff. He also helps me do the after school play and the drama club. Around about five minutes later after the bell went the doors opened and a single person walked in. And the side looked nothing like Thomas, more like the side its self! Patton and Thomas rushed over to the side, Logan slowly walked over and me and Virgil just sat there watching. The side slowly put headphones on and started to hum sweetly. I didn't realize the side was a GIRL until she turned our way. I gasped once at the side the gasped twice because of Virgil who kicked me. He gave me a glare and mouthed "Leave her alone! She's crying!"I signed and nodded as Patton and Thomas hugged her, then everyone started to talk again and Virgil actually talked to me! on his own! "Do you think, She's going to help me with my music class? or be a student?"

"Uh, I don't know...."I looked back at her seeing Logan talking to her "What side does she represent?"

"Did you not hear Thomas?"

"No, I was busy reading your lips"

"Well, She represent's Music...I think she's going to be a second teacher"he said just before the bell went off for 3rd and 4th periods "See you princey"

"Later, Emo nightmare"I said as I ruffled his hair and walked to Patton and Thomas who were leaving the cafe "What is she? A teacher or student?"

"A teacher!"Patton squealed "And You know you said you thought there was supposed to be another side on the table? except for Brain, Focus and Remy/sleep... I think Music is that side!"

"Patton, Brain and Focus never come out of the vine room the same With Sleep"I pointed out as Thomas chuckled

"I know, See you guys! I got some research on Ariana Grande to mark! I might listen to her songs while I do it!"Patton said as he started to walk into his lass "Bye kiddos!"

"Bye!"Thomas and I smiled as we waved Patton good bye "You coming to see the training?"

"Of course! I really want to see how you teach PE prince!"Thomas complimented as I beamed with pride "Lead the way!"

The only girl....|Sanders Sides| ~Roman X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now