Oh My Steven{4}Oh My Steven

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(Y/N)' POV...

"What the actual hell Logan?!"I yelled at the logical side as he tumbled back "I'm sorry..."I said as I pinched my nose "but why princey?"

"Uh well, Music...um..."Logan tried to get his words but I stopped listening when Roman walked in. Out of all people, why does it have to be him?

"Princess, what Logan is trying to say is...no one volunteered or wanted to do it because well....your new...and no one really likes new here..."Roman tried to explain but I couldn't even do it. I turned my heels and walked straight out of the office. "Music! Wait for me!"

"Ugh!"I said as I walked faster knowing Roman was running to keep up. I hated being watched, I'm not leaving my room ever again!

Time skip...

When it was lunch, I didn't want to go. I said "I'd rather starve than go back there"but he seriously didn't take no for a answer...it ended up him carrying me in his arms in a bridal position all the way to the cafe. But I made him bring my laptop and headphones so I could edit some mash ups while he eats.

"Can you at least try to eat something?"Roman asked as I took my headphones off in fustration.

"Why do you care anyway? Understanding told me you really didn't want to do this...so why do you care?"

"When did you talk to understanding??"he asked as I rolled my eyes

"Texting stupid"I said as I put my headphones on my laptop and got up "a cookie...stay there"

"But I need to stay with you at all times"

"Yeah but there's no point if I'm going right there"I said as I walked away "or do you love me?"I whispered to myself with a soft smile "nah a guy like that would never be with me...right?"

"Oh but princess, I would date you!"

"Ahh!!"I yelled as I turned around to see Roman inches away from me "what the hell?!"

"Don't worry!I got your laptop, I want to go now!"he said as I sighed with a smirk "what?"




"No what?"

"I want to go and see Virgil and my friends"I said as I stuffed a cookie in my face While he stared blankly at me "What? Virge likes my mash ups...he says it calms him!"

"Okay, we'll drop the music off then we'll go! I'm really tired"

"Well I'm not!"I said as I grabbed another cookie and walked off

"I hate you"

"I'm going to pretend I didn't just hear you say that so we can be friends!"I said before covering my mouth. Did I just class Roman as a....friend? No, he wouldn't be my friend anyway. I'm just a girl....the only girl...huh,I guess I am a bit lonely. I took my hand away from my mouth and walked even faster knowing the royal side would eventually stop running and walk. I went round the corner and saw Patton up against the wall and inches away from him was Deceit. It looked like something bad just happened to Patton all untill Deceit...kissed him!! I gasped and ran to the class passing the two sides in fear. When I got to the classroom I saw Virgil in the corner crying his eyes out, and the class starting at him then at me "class, go to Roman...he's on his way"


"Now!"I said as everyone got up and ran towards the door while I ran to the anxious side "Virge, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry!"he said before pulling me into a hug and digging his head into my shoulder "I'm so sorry!"

"Virge, what are you sorry about?"I asked as he shook his head "please talk to me"

"I know who said you were depressed"he hiccuped as Roman ran in "Deceit! Get away from me! You took him away from me! I hate you!"

"Virge, it's Roman...ok?"I said while he looked up at Roman "see?"

"Sorry, prince"he said while he picked me up and put me on his lap "stay"

"We have to go to your room, Virge"I said as he tightened his grip on me and got up. I wrapped my legs and arms around him as he started to walk out the class "I hate you"

"I love you too"he whispered as I dug my face in his chest "what's wrong?"

"He's going to be there"I whispered as he looked back at the royal side which was deep in thought "not even 2 hours and I'm dieing!"

"It's ok"he said as I started to cry

"I'm not depressed...am I?"

"Course not!"he said as we got into his room

"Then why is Roman following me? Why am I the only girl? Shouldn't I be like...the queen or something?"I asked as he opened the door and walked towards his balcony"just why me?"

"All will be answered soon, M. But until then, your beautiful mash ups in the background while we watch the sun go down?"

"Yeah....Roman?"I said/yelled to get Romans attention. He came and stood by us holding my laptop. "I'm sorry for being annoying prince"I whispered as Virgil hocked my laptop to a speaker and looked through the music

"It's okay"he said as he hugged me, which I hugged back "I just want to know that the only girl here isn't depressed and is happy...okay I get the fact you the only girl and you need girl talk?"

"HEY! WHAT AM I FOR?!"Virgil yelled as Roman scoffed and I signed

"Sorry, Anx"Prince said as Virgil brought some chairs out "sit with me"

"Kay"I said as the royal side sat down while bring you with him. When you sat on his lap he began to play with your hair and whisper compliments in my ear. After a hour or so my eyes began to go heavy so I let my head go on Princey's shoulder and close my eyes. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. As I sighed before saying "I Love You"

Wow! I'm doing great! I think...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2019 ⏰

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