Chapter 11

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°·A week since Chanyeol began staying·°

Kyungsoo nuzzled his face more into my neck, pressing his lips against the smooth skin to whine.

"Channie I have to go cook~"

I tightened my grip on the little one, "We'll eat out. Let's cuddle a bit more before he comes home."

Kyungsoo sighed and gave in, starting to nibble on my neck "Fine. Just a bit longer."

I smiled proudly and shuffled so Kyungsoo would be facing me.


I watched his eyes soften, a confused smile etched on his lips, "Yes Chanyeol?"

My heart raced at just his stare. Why do I feel like this when I'm around him, Why do I have the constant need to have him in my arm's? Why can't I stop thinking about him? Why is it that I forget about everything when he's next to me?

"I think I'm in love with you."

The three sat at a square table on polished wooden booths, at the seat of each bench was a red cushion to comfort them. On the glazed table was 3 napkins, each filled with silverware. Above them hung chandeliers that glistened as they swung from the brush of the wind that would occasionally slip in when someone walked in.

Kyungsoo sat next to Jongin and across from them sat Chanyeol.

"This place is- really nice. Are you sure this isn't too much Chanyeol?" Jongin questioned, tugging at his shirt in anxiousness.

"I'm sure. Just relax guys." Chanyeol smiled happily.

"Easy for you to say Mr. My dad owns a few dozen buildings." Jongin retorted in a sarcastic tone.

Kyungsoo sat still, looking at his hands nervously.

Chanyeol stared at the small boy lovingly, the events from earlier sticking to them awkwardly.

Kyungsoo stood up and kept his gaze on the silverware, "Do you know where the bathroom is?"

Chanyeol nodded, "It should be on the third or second floor."

Kyungsoo nodded and slipped past Jongin, heading towards a set of black marble stairs.

Chanyeol stood up as Kyungsoo reached the top, "I should go make sure he finds it.''

Jongin nodded and pulled out his phone.

°·Chanyeol's Pov·°

I walked up the stairs, looking around eagerly for the boy. I stepped forward and walked down the dimly lit hallway.

After passing a few doors I reached the end, two red doors left open to expose a huge balcony. Big green bushes placed on certain spots with colorful flowers placed perfectly from their vines.

A few benches near the ledges, on one bench sat a small figure that faced the outside and exposed a perfect view.

I stepped forward quietly, getting a side view of their face.

A button like nose, plump heart lips with a soft pink tint, fluffy brown hair hung over dough eye's with brown hues that glittered in the moon's light.


I walked up to the bench and sat next to him, feeling his body jolt next to mine.


"You can ignore what I said earlier, I mean if you want to. I just." I took a pause, not really knowing what to say.

I've never been in love before, I've never felt what I feel now. What's worse is I feel this way for a taken man. A taken man who's significant other is cheating on him.

"Actually nevermind. I don't want you to forget what I said."

I leaned closer to him, moonlight bouncing off both our faces.

"Kyungsoo I love you. More than I realised or wanted. I don't care that you're dating Jongin, I will make you mine."

Before he could speak I pressed our lips together into a sweet kiss, lifting my hand to cup his cheek.

A few seconds after Kyungsoo kissed back, his lips moving against mine shyly.

I pulled away and smiled, letting out a small cough, "So that means-?"

Kyungsoo flushed red, finally managing to look me in the eyes, "I-I think I like you too. B-But I'm not sure a-and I don't want to hurt Jongin."

I smiled and stood up, holding one hand out to him, "That's fine. Take your time, I don't want to ruin this if I'm honest. Come Kyungie."
Kyungsoo took Chanyeol's hand, failing to hear or see the shadow that fled from the doors to the main dining hall.

Smallish update but a good one need I say. I'm planning on wrapping this book up at maybe ummm 20 Chapters or less? I have the rest of the plot down in my head but not on this. Thanks for reading

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