Chapter 1 - Dad wasn't perfect.

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Staring at her ceiling. An empty room. Just a bed and so so much notebooks..The room gets darker by time . Sunset is almost over . She's always wide awake. Thinking about everything. Wishing she could just sleep and never wake up. Sadly she just opens her diaries and starts writing..

(,,Another day .. I'm still wondering why couldn't i forget. They say .. time fixes it all. Time is the best medicine? Funny. Time just gets everything worse. It gets harder and i can't take it anymore,,)

Sally is 16 years old. Until the age of 14 she had a 'normal' life. Lovely mother. Her father wasn't a good man.. he never deserved his wife's love. Beautiful sister and brother. Her sister was her only best friend. As their ages were so close. family fights. Family love. Hugs. Laughs. Cries. She had a boyfriend who made everyone at school think she's the luckiest girl in town. They loved eachother. Promised to stay together forever..As she was getting 15. Her life turned out to be the worst nightmare anyone could ever have. Her parents died on a car accident. As her dad was an alcohol lover. She could never forgive him for killing her innocent mother and cheating on her...

As he gets out of the bar. His wife is standing infront of him. With eyes filled with blaming.

- You will never change.. I gave you all the love i got and all i had for return was pain.

- I...

- She went on with a sad smile ; You're just .. a mistake.

As she was walking towards the car. He came infront of her. Took the keys,Got inside the car and was about to drive and with a weird face he said : Get in. I..Need to talk to you.

She got in knowing it's useless..but she wished he'd ever change.

- Listen..I know i distreated you alot. I cheated on you forgave me? .. I'm sorry for being that horrible man who never treated his precious wife well. I know you don't even remember when was the last time we kissed or selpt together. cause .. that was so long ago.. I hope you forgive me. For everything. I know you won't. My life is all useless now and i lost everything..My children's love and your love. I want you to know that.. you're the most beautiful woman i've ever seen and i wish i could do anything to make you forgive me. but i hope you do when i die.

- She dried her tears and replied surprisingly ; Die !?

- I love you.

- .... ?

He got a knife out of his pocket and was about to kill himself. His wife freaked out and tried to prevent him from putting it into his heart. as she tried to. his feet made the car move accidentally. It was all freaking out and they fell together into the sea.

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