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I met up with Donnie to go over the plan. Ik what y'all thinking "how can I do this to Tiffany after everything we've been through?" Well I'll  tell you...~Flashback~
I was only a kid when I was caught with drugs trynna sell to help out my moms since my daddy left us and I had two younger siblings. A sell went bad and the cops was on my ass, I had known Donnie he was 3 yrs older then me, while running from the cops I went to the alley where Donnie always was freaked out and since we sold for the same dude the crew had matching bags Donnie switched bags with me and to my surprise his just had clothes in it. The cops cornered up and searched our bags. Donnie was arrested and sent to juvie until he was 18. Once he got out we looked after each other so now I owe him. Donnie always wrote me while he was in there. Before he went away I used to always come over and play video games, he had a normal family mom, dad who was always away at work, and a foster sister Tiffany. Donnie used to crack jokes about how he listed for her and watched her. I brushed it off cause ig I was too young to know what that meant until one day we was walking to our post and he said he "hit that". Well when she finally broke her silence she was taken away from his family and put somewhere else. Crazy right?
"What's the plan D?" Just bring her to me fake at date and I'll handle the rest "when u wanna do this" soon but not too soon I'll let you know and with that I got up and left. I drove around for no reason at all...maybe I'm getting cold feet.

I was sitting on the couch when I heard this what seemed panicked  knock on my door, freaked out I got up slowly and peered through the peep hole seeing Cash looking around anxiously I quickly opened the door and pulled her in "bitch u scared tf outta me...wtf you doing" why didn't you call me back the other day after you woke up "I didn't know you called Cash" I say completely honest I told Lex to have you call me...you might be in serious danger I look oddly at her "why" does the name Donnie ring a bell? I stopped dead in my tracks "does he have a daughter?" I say looking at her "named..." Then in unison we both said Maddie...I gasp  and started panicking. Cash sits me down and explains everything and I call Lex crying begging her to come home. She arrives and rushes to my side I explain everything and she holds me and tells me everything is going to be fine.

As T was explaining everything I noticed that Lex had a different energy like she wasn't as concerned as she should have been and I found that strange. What could you be up too? I thought to myself.  Y'all know I never trusted her.

~Few Days Later~

I went and picked up Maddie for the weekend cause Donnie had plans for the plan. Once we got back to my house I showed her her room and put her bag away. She went and found T and I could see that T was actually happy for once. It warmed my heart to see her bond with her daughter after so many missed years. "What y'all doing huh" I say smiling looking them in awe. Auntie T painting my nails to look like hers...they so pwetty Maddie says showing my her little fingers "that's so pretty Maddie....what y'all wanna do today?" T smiles and looks at Maddie you wanna go to the zoo Maddie? Yes!!!! I chuckle "ok zoo it is....everybody get dressed" Maddie wanted T to help her get dressed so while the girls got beautiful I waited for them. T and Maddie came out the room and we headed to the car. I strapped Maddie into her car seat and we headed to our destination. We arrived at the zoo a short time later and I paid our way in and let Maddie kinda guide us around. She loved the butterfly house the most she even held a monarch. I took a picture of her and T holding butterflies and sent them to Donnie. We rode the train and ate lunch by time we were headed home Maddie was knocked out in her car seat. T carried her to her room and laid her in bed when I went up there see was also fast asleep. I took more pictures some for me and some for Donnie. I tapped T and told her I was going out. I got in the car and called up Kandice. " Make sure the door unlocked im on my way" i hung up and sped over to her place. 


I called up Dani and talked to her, she was extremely upset and swore if Lex had anything to do with whatever Donnie had planned she would kill her. In the mist of talking to Dani I had to know so i asked " Dani what happened to Tiffany growing up?" Well she came to stay with us when she was 14 about to turn 15, she was so shy and timid, very quiet. It took her months to open up. Once she finally did she told me why she left her last foster family and it involved her older foster brother....long story short she was caring his baby and they found out and she was taking away. We became close, finally she had the baby and she was forced to give her to the state and she never seen her sense and she stayed with us until she turned 18. " Man I never woulda figured...she only talks about you and how yall got each other back forever."  We not blood but best believe that's my sister and I'd go to jail for her. Just then i get a text from a private message: You in or out?...D " "Dani I gotta go thanks for talking I'll keep you updated until you get here" I reply back "In"


Its 7:30 am and Lex still wasnt home so I called her phone...straight to voicemail. I decided to text her. As i was pouring a cup of juice i heard crying so i walked to Maddie's room and she was sitting in bed crying " Whats wrong princess?" I miss my daddy "ok when Lex gets back we can call him ok?" ok "now wipe that pretty face and lets go make pancakes with smiley faces and strawberries, sound good?" yes she says smiling giving me a hug we go down stairs and i make us pancakes once they were done I let Maddie cut the strawberries (the knife was plastic) and then i let her put whip cream on her pancakes. As she started to eat i put a dab of whip cream on her nose which made her laugh. I love you auntie T i wish you could be my mommy. she says hugging me. I smile hugging her back, just then Lex walks in TT!!! Maddie yells running to her. Hey TT baby what you up to "TT Tiffany made pancakes!!" You did did you make me one babe she says kissing me. "I called and texted I was worried bout you" I say looking at her my phone charger died and I was to drunk to drive so I caught a cab to the nearest motel for the night and drove home this morning. "Well I'm glad your ok" I handed her a plate of fresh pancakes and took Maddie upstairs to clean her up.  I'm really enjoying having Maddie here with me. I want it to be like this all the time.

After Cashmere told me what had been going on I knew I couldn't wait around waiting for something to happen. I rushed home and crashed with Cash coming up with a plan. If it's a war Donnie want it's a war he will get.

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