~The Sucky Outdoors~

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-Hello everyone I'm back sorry for the wait!
Hope you all had wonderful holidays and a good new year! First chapter of 2019 and this story has over 1k Thank you all so much!! So without further adieu chapter 6!

You woke up to yet another loud speaker requesting everyone to meet at the campfire ceremony area. You got up and dressed ready to see what the day awaited.

On your way, Gwen walked next to you.

Gwen: Hey thanks for helping me get Heather back, it really helped me forget about the whole diary thing...

Y/N: Hey it's no problem, that's what friends are for
*you smiled cheerfully*

Gwen: I do have to ask tho, where did you go after that?

Y/N: Oh, well I-

(you really didn't want anyone to know what had been going on between you and Duncan. It just felt weird...
And not so weirdly enough you were cut off by Duncan interrupting your conversation.)

Duncan: Hello Princess, oh Hey Gwen

Gwen: Hey Duncan

The three of you continued to the campfire and took your seats.

Chris: Today's challenge will test your outdoor-survial skills.
I'm not gonna lie, some of you may not come back alive.

Everyone Gasped
While you just rolled your eyes

Chris: Just Joking!
*he chuckled*
All you have to do is spend one night in the woods. Everything you need is at your team's campsite in the forest, you just have to find it!

He tossed a map and compass to Heather and Duncan.

Chris: Oh and watch out for bears, lost a couple of interns in preproduction. First team back for breakfast wins invincibility.
*blows air horn* Well, off you go!

Courtney was quick to take the map and compass from Duncan. You just glared at her, who does she think she is!!

Time skip
Your team was setting up camp
Courtney, Geoff and Bridge were putting up the tent
Harold was trying to start a fire
You & Tyler were looking through the bags
Duncan was just watching

Geoff: Wow, you pitch a tent like a guy!

Bridgette had a questioning look on her face

Geoff: I mean, you're not all girly about getting dirty and stuff

Bridgette: Gee. thanks.
You face palmed, boy did he need help

You were still digging through the bags, nothing too useful yet
You sighed in annoyance

Duncan: What's for dinner, woman? I'm starving.
(To Courtney ^)

Go back to sleep and starve!
😂 If you get that your amazing 👏

Courtney: I hope you don't expect me to dignify that with a response!?

You and Courtney both glared at him
You already didn't like this challenge and Duncan's "flirting" didn't help

DJ: Hey, Guys look what I found!

He said walking back holding an adorable bunny!

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