We'll find a Way.

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There was tension in the air, that much was obvious. 

Ivan and Viktor, both armed with the same weapon, both fighting over the custody of one country. The others could do nothing but watch from a couple of feet away.

Alfred just wanted this to stop. If anything, it reminded him of when Arthur and Francis fought for custody over him. 

"сестра, this won't end well, will it?" Belarus asked timidly. Ukraine nodded her head slightly. "But for who it will end badly is not yet known."

Viktor was the first to lunge at his counterpart. He tried to put the pipe up to Ivan's neck, proceeding to choke him. However, Ivan expected this and dodged, slamming his own pipe into Viktor's back. 

The injured country's breath hitched and he tumbled to the ground but regained his senses quickly, getting back on his feet. Though, his pipe layed next to Matthew and Alfred. Ivan went in again, aiming for his head. Viktor slammed Ivan into the ground by tackling him to the ground. 

"Shouldn't we do...something?" Germany asked. Alfred silently agreed with Germany but China butted in. "No, Aru~. Look, Ivan is already winning."

While the countries were talking, Ivan had succeeded in pounding his weapon into Viktor's stomach and face. If Viktor were human, he would have been dead at the first hit.

"Ivan just stop it! You've already done what you've had to do!" Alfred shouted. 

Ukraine thought that this whole mess was the American's fault and glared furiously at the nation. Belarus looked at her defeated brother with immense pain and fear. Viktor struggling to get on his knees, his chest rising and falling. 

Alfred opened his mouth to say something, anything to reassure the scared Belarus that everything would be alright or the betrayed Ukraine that Alfred didn't want or do any of this. Instead, Ivan listened to Alfred's words and stopped his reign of pain to his counterpart. 

Ivan grabbed Alfred's wrist, pulling him away. "Matthew, you know of the nearest airport, Da?" Matthew nodded. "Yep. Let's get out of here and find a way home," he responded seriously. 

The countries all murmured in agreement and started speed-walking away. Alfred stayed in his place. Belarus and Ukraine already moved to their brother's aid and started lifting him up. Ivan glared at the three and tugged at Alfred's wrist again, this time more forceful. 

"B-Belarus! I'm sorry!" Alfred shouted. He felt the urge to cry, but he was already a master at keeping that urge at bay when around people. Ukraine raised her middle finger but Belarus just looked at Alfred with an emotion Alfred couldn't quite place. 

"I'll see you soon!" She responded before fully lifting Viktor up and moving them away.

Ivan tugged at Alfred again and this time, the American complied. Alfred looked at Ivan's face before speaking.

"They weren't bad people, they didn't hurt me-" Ivan looked at him with a bit of shock. "They captured you, did they not? They took you away from us, away from me. That is something they had to pay for, Da?" Ivan asked.

Alfred looked down at the ground, aware that he and Ivan were slowly catching up to the other countries. 

"Yes...but Belarus was so, so motherly. That's a quality that no evil captor would have. Ukraine talked to me. Viktor and fed me and all that-" Alfred rambled. "Do not tell me, подсолнух, that you developed a case of Stockholm syndrome," Ivan joked. 

Completely oblivious to the fact that Ivan had called him Sunflower, Alfred shook his head. "Of course not. I'm 100 percent grateful and happy you guys found me. I just...wished maybe you guys could get to know them better," Alfred suggested shyly. 

Ivan thought it was a possible idea pushed it away and brought his comrade closer. "They are our 2ps they might have been playing an act. You don't know them any better than we do," he said. When Alfred was silent, he sighed. 

"Please Alfredka. You disappearing was an emotional hit to all of us. Me especially. Let us get you home, Da?" Ivan pleaded. 

Belarus's words rang through Alfred's mind and he swore, at that moment, that he wouldn't forget them. But, when he saw how relieved Ivan's eyes had been at the sight of him, it made him feel warm inside.

The same warmth filled him up when he was being held by Ivan close.

Alfred caved in. 

"S-Sure dude. We'll go home," he replied with red growing like a wildfire in California across his cheeks. 

Ivan smiled and the two walked quicker to join the other countries.


Viktor groaned as Belarus tended to his wounds. 

"I-I'm sorry..." she said while disinfecting the cuts her brother got. She didn't like she was causing him pain. He had already vomited blood twice on the way to the hotel. 

Belarus shivered at the images of her brother getting beaten up. Though she didn't understand one thing...

"Why didn't you put up a fight?" She asked, putting smiley faced bandages. It was all the hotel had.

Viktor raised an eyebrow, signaling to his sister to explain.

She took a deep breath before explaining. "I've seen you destroy 100 humans. I've seen you fight Allen and still win, even if it was one time and both of you were completely destroyed. Your will to fight was low...it wasn't even 10 minutes." She said.

Viktor didn't respond for a while until the stare of Belarus was too much. 

"He was smiling and happy when his fellow countries were embracing him. He was smiling. Who am I to take that away from anyone? Someone up above took everyone away from me." Viktor said. 

Belarus patted her brother's back lightly. She now fully understood the situation now. She knew her brother didn't realize his motives yet. Neither does Alfred, does he? She thought.

"I see...then we're going to see him again," Belarus declared. 

Viktor looked at her uncertainly. 

"I'm not sure he'll like that," He said.

Belarus shook her head and smiled. "He'd appreciate it, trust me."

Ukraine overhead the conversation from the other room, due to the walls being thin. She sighed and rubbed her temples. 

"I don't trust that American..." 

Then she smirked.

"But it appears my little brother has a case of..." she muttered. 

She giggled silently at the thought and folded their remaining clothes. 

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