Chapter 3

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I immediately feel Dax' arms wrap around me tightly and feel him inhale my scent. "Missed you, princess," he said, nuzzling my neck. I grumbled at the name.

"Missed you too, Dax," I said, pulling back with a smile. He keeps his arms around me and I admire his strong arms and chest. "Done with training?" I asked.

"Yeah, love. I arrived here about a week ago. I was just about to head your way, but you beat me to it," he said, kissing my cheek.

"Yeah, it's-" I was interrupted by someone yelling my name. I turn to see Sebastian, the Alpha of the Forest Pack and my very close friend. I smiled at him as he made his way towards us. Dax released me and Sebastian welcomed me with open arms and a huge smile. He wrapped his arms around me and spun me as if I weighed nothing. "Missed you, too," I laughed.

"Oh, my love, you have finally come," he said, imitating a British accent. I laughed and kissed his cheek. He set me down, pecking my lips unexpectedly. A low growl escaped Dax' lips, making me turn to see him walking towards me, wrapping an arm possessively around my waist. My eyes widened in surprise. "Uh, are you two...?" Sebastian trailed off. A stab of pain hit my chest at the thought of mates. Dax looked at me worriedly.

"Love, are you okay?" Dax asked, his eyes roaming my body, probably looking for injuries. I figured that my face showed my pain. I turned to Sebastian, who looked confused.

"Is that spot for trainer still open?" I asked.

"Of course it is! So, you're joining my pack?" he replied. I nodded, making him smile. "Let's get you settled, then!" he said, grabbing my hand and leading the way.

"My luggage, Seb," I said, stopping. I turned to see that Dax was holding it and walking behind us.

"I've got it, Al," he said, wrapping his free arm around my waist. We continued walking again, Seb walking stiffly in front of us. When we arrived, a redhead dressed in skimpy clothing ran into Seb's arms. Seb wrapped his arms stiffly around her and let her kiss him. I scrunched up my nose and turned to Dax with a confused expression. "Mates," he whispered. For some reason, I felt bad for Seb. That girl did not give off very welcoming vibes. She turned to me with a smirk.

"Seb, you've found your mate," I stated. It made me confused about the fact that he pecked my lips earlier and was upset at Dax' arm around me.

"Yeah, this is Lana, my mate. Lana, this is Alessa, our new pack member and our trainer," he said stiffly.

"But she's human," she sneered. I scowled and Dax growled lowly, wrapping his arm tighter around me.

"I am right here, if you haven't noticed," I said through gritted teeth.

"I am Luna. You need to watch your place, bitch," she smirked.

"And I am Alessa. You should know better than to fuck with me. Last I checked, the bitch here is you," I smirked. She attempted to lunge at me, but Seb growled and pulled her back. Dax growled and pulled me behind him.

"Alessa, careful, now. Lana, we'll talk later," Seb stated. 

Guess it's true what they say about mates protecting one another against EVERYONE, I thought. Frustration overtook me, and I bit my tongue to keep from retorting back.

"Dax, room," I lowly stated.

"Alessa, I'm sorry," Seb sighed just as I was turning to walk with Dax. I stopped, but didn't turn. "Lana, leave," he ordered using his Alpha tone. I heard her annoying whimper before she left the room. "She's my mate, but I found her cheating...I'm giving her another chance," he said, pained. I turned around to face him and saw a very heartbroken expression. I bit my lip as I looked intently at him, waiting for him to continue. "I know she's a...." he trailed off. "But, I can't help but protect her, Lessi. Please forgive me," he croaked. I nodded and wrapped him in a hug.

"How about all three of us hang out tonight?" I asked after pulling away. Seb gave me a small smile and nodded. Dax wrapped his arms around my waist, giving me a peck on the cheek.

"Sounds fine, love. What do you have in mind?" he asked. I smiled at this.

"Movie night?" I asked.

"Movie night it is," Seb stated, leading the way upstairs. Dax tugged us in that direction with his arms hung loosely on my waist. Seb led us to a large room, which turned out to be a theater. We decided on a movie called "The Hurt Lockers". Seb went to get drinks and popcorn, while Dax set everything up. About ten minutes later, we were all settled down and watching the movie. Ten minutes before the movie finished, I had this urge to leave for some fresh air. I had seen the movie a couple times either way, so I got up and left, not bothering both men who were caught up in the movie. I walked mindlessly until I turned a hallway and found a couple kissing. I froze when I noticed who it was. Anger quickly swept throughout my body.

"Oh, baby, I missed you soooo much. Mmmm," she said. A look of disgust took over my features as I watched her eat the male's face off. The guy groaned, which was my cue to announce my presence.

"Ahem," I said rather loudly, causing both of them to pull away rapidly. When she noticed me, she sent a glare, which I smirked at.

"What do you want, human?" she sneered. I gave her a menacing glare, which she whimpered at. She immediately growled as she realized her mistake.

"You fucken slut! How dare you cheat on Seb again AFTER he gave you a second opportunity?! You're a worthless piece of shit after all, Lana," I spat.

"You little bitch! How dare you disrespect your Luna?!" she screeched. I rolled my eyes.

"You're anything but a Luna!" I said, raising my voice a notch. That's when she lunged at me, but I side stepped her at the last minute. She almost ran into the wall, turning around to attack me yet again. I felt arms grab me roughly. I turned to see the same male who Lana was kissing. I elbowed him roughly and pulled away from his grasp. I turned just in time to see Lana tackle me. I fell with a grunt. She scratched my cheek. I kicked her off me, sending her back against a wall. Absolute rage filled me as I lunged forward. I balled up my fist and aimed it at her nose, hearing a loud cracking sound. She screamed as blood flowed down her nose. Someone roughly pulled me off of her just as I heard rushed foot steps. I turned to see a shocked and pissed off Seb.

"What the hell, Alessa?!" he bellowed. I winced as my heart rate began to decrease. Seb rushed to Lana's side as I pulled from the male's grasp. Dax wrapped his arms around me and pulled my chin to look at him.

"You okay, princess?" he asked. I nodded and breathed in deeply. I turned to see Lana in Seb's arms. I glared at her.

"What was that?" Seb ordered. He directed an almost glare my way, which had me flinching.

"She attacked me," Lana cried and acted as if she were in pain.

"Is this true-"

"No!' I yelled before Seb could finish. "She was..." I gulped, not wanting to tell him the news.

"I was trying to defend myself!" she screeched. I balled up my fists and glared at her.

"Fucken Liar! You cheated on him AGAIN!" I yelled. I gave Seb a sad look.

"She's lying!" she yelled.

"Seb, are you gonna take my word or hers?" I asked. He turned from me to her with a conflicted expression.


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