Sonic x Reader

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"All right! Here's how we're-"

"Hold it!"

(Y/n) watched as Sonic jiggled his nerf gun a bit before giving a thumbs up.

"Okay, we're cool!"

Knuckles gave the blue hedgie an eye twitch before slowly continuing,"Right. Okay. We split up in two teams- girls versus guys."

"But Knucklehead-" Sonic crossed his arms with a smirk,"There's more guys than girls."

"No there isn't." The echidna growled back. (Y/n) looked around at the group- Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Shadow, Rouge, and of course herself. And unfortunately the blue hedgie was right.

"Sweetie-" Rouge started, causing him to seethe in anger,"You counted Tails, right?"

"Of course I did! What do you think I am, stupid?" He crossed his arms,"Tails is on the girls team. Obviously."

The fox and (Y/n) both sweatdropped as Rouge and Sonic started laughing. And Shadow pinched the bridge of his nose, mumbling how he was wasting time with these absolute fools.

"Knuckles...I'm a boy." Tails chuckled nervously.


"Geez, take it easy, Knucklehead!" Sonic started,"Let's just get on to the game."

"Please." (Y/n) added with force.

Knuckles narrowed his eyes,"Fine. Guys against girls. Guys start on that end, girls on the other. Last team standing wins."

"This should be a piece of cake." Sonic smirked, nudging Shadow,"Right, faker?"

Shadow shoved him aside, shuffling his own Nerf gun and disappearing.

"C'mon, guys-" she gestured to Tails and Rouge,"We better get going."

They all made their way to a far end of the Arena, hidden well in a building.

"This wasn't really fairly set up..." Tails grimaced.

"Only if you look at it one way." Rouge smirked.

"She's right." (Y/n) nodded,"Rouge, you take on Knuckles. No one knows how to fluster him better than you."

The bat saluted,"Aye, Aye, Cap'n."

"And Tails, you know Sonic through and through." At this, he puffed his chest out a bit and seemed a tad taller,"See if you can pull something over his head. If anyone can, it'll be you."

"And what'll you do with Shadow?" Rouge asked.

(Y/n) tested her trigger,"I'll stall him till you guys can get to me. One on one, I don't stand a chance, but maybe if we work together, even he can be beat."

"All right!" Tails grinned, clearly forgetting the moment from earlier. Just then, the starting buzzer sounded. The team ducked out of their hiding place and split up.
'Now if I were an edgy hedgie...where would I go?' Emma thought. She immediately took to a high place, climbing up stair railings and ledges, careful to make as little sound as possible.


A foam bullet had hit about a foot away from her hand and fell helplessly to the ground. She lurched to the roof and spun around, gun ready.
But no one was there.

'Strange..I swore I-'

She ducked down after the second bullet and flipped around, pulling the trigger and sending a cascade at her opponent. They ducked, too, and rolled a few feet away before facing with a grin.

"Well, well-"

She shot-
And missed as he easily dodged it with a "tsk-tsk".

"And here I thought we were friends."

She scowled and shot again. He dodged. She shot again. He dodged again. This was getting absolutely nowhere, but she had no idea how else to hit him.
She huffed,"All right. I give up."
She dropped her gun and plopped down onto the ground, criss crossed and head propped up in her knuckles. Sonic stared at her with the slightest of frowns.
"Giving up so easily?"

"Well yeah."She snapped,"You're impossible to hit. There's no fun in this."

"Oh." He kinda shuffled his feet,"How about it make it easier on ya?"

She narrowed her eyes,"How?"

He grinned and dashed closer, hands spread out,"C'mon, hit me with your best shot!"

She bit her lower lip. It seemed too easy. And wouldn't he just dodge again? She picked up her gun and slowly stood up, aiming dead at his smug face.
She lunged at him.
He didn't have time to react or stumble away, he was down in two seconds flat with her pinning him. She pressed her Nerf Gun against his chest, smirking with self satisfaction.
"What was that about taking it easy on me?"

He smirked back,"Smooth move, (Y/n). Except-"He grabbed her waist and flipped her over, so now he was above her,"you forgot how much stronger I am."

She should've said some snarky comment back, but all she could think about was how they were nose to nose, and she'd never been this close before or noticed how beautiful his emerald eyes were. Without planning it, she reached up and kissed him. His lips were soft and so easy to melt into and-oh gosh-
Her eyes shot open and she kicked him off before shooting him dead in the chest.

"Wha-no fair!" Sonic whined, a faint scowl morphing onto his muzzle,"That's cheating."

"You're just a sore loser." She smirked, lowering her hand to help him up. He grinned and yanked her back down to him. She was waaaaay too close. Her heart hammered, her hands fumbled as she tried to weakly shove away.

"H-Hey now!" She flustered,"I've still gotta match to win!"

"Too bad." He latched his arms around her, forcing her against him,"Ya shoulda thought about that before kissing me."

Luckily, they didn't have to wait long. The buzzer went off again with Tails and Rouge's cheers echoing around the Arena. In Sonic's distraction, (Y/n) quickly scrambled away and picked up her stray foam bullets.
"And what was it you said earlier?" She teased,"This would be a piece of cake?"

"Yeah, well,"He stood up stretching,"I didn't plan on anyone cheating."

"I won fair and square, hedgie."

"Oh yeah?" He smirked,"How about a rematch?"

She started making her way off the building, offering an eye roll.

"And wipe the floor with your ego again? Sounds good to me." She hopped onto the ground, and turned to find that he'd already made it. He leaned against the building carelessly.

" 'Kay then, next Saturday afternoon."

"I'll mark my calendar." She quipped.

"It's a date, then!" He grinned, and before she could say something smart back, he dashed off. (Y/n) stood there for what felt like forever, a bright blushing mess.

A date??

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