Scourge x Depressed Reader

470 12 4

(A/t)- Animal type
(E/c)- eye color
(F/c)- fur color

*Request for sBoom1165*

When people asked (Y/n) what was wrong, there were a million things she wanted to say.
She wanted to describe the bag of rocks stitched to her chest every day, and how they weighed her down in bed and it was a big enough victory to get dressed. She could've blurted how wrong she felt, like she was grieving for the death of herself in a way that was deeper than sadness, and how everything she tried to help it didn't work.

But all she ever managed was a glare.
An "I'm fine, thanks."

And that day had been no different, but her friend was fed up.

"I'm tired of you lying to me!" She snapped,"How can you expect me to trust you if you're literally never honest?"

(Y/n) could feel the angry tears ready to poor, but she refused to give this person the satisfaction.

She ran.

Her feet took her as far and as fast as they could possibly go, only stopping once she'd reached a scarred tree.

"I'm not gonna cry!" She spat at it, like it'd insulted her. Her fist collided with the bark, and she barely flinched as it struck. She threw another punch. Then another. She sent a whole slew of strikes until the bark chipped away and blood stained the wood.
She needed this.
She deserved this.

"That's pathetic."

She stopped mid-swing, her ear swiveling to the side.

"I'm sorry, did I say pathetic? I meant sick," The smearing voice continued. "What'd that thing do to you, anyways?"

The (f/c) (a/t) narrowed her eyes at the newcomer, concealing her surprise at both the bloody gash she'd left in the trunk and that she hadn't noticed him before.

"Nothing, really. It just...existed."

She expected him to smirk or say something snarky, because that was a thing Scourge did. But he didn't. He just stared, almost angry-like.

"Well say something." She retorted.

"What you're doing is dumb."

"Let me correct myself,"She snapped,"Say something that isn't a lecture. You have no room to talk, anyways."

"I'm not giving you a lecture, I'm stating facts."

"Fact: I can't stand myself." She snapped," Fact: I don't want to exist. Fact: I'm too cowardly to even try to ki-"

"Fact: Punching trees doesn't solve any of that."

They had a stare down, freezing blue eyes against rigid (e/c) ones, neither willing to back down.

"Why are you here?" She snarled,"As far as I know, you're not exactly the 'friend's' type, ya know? I didn't think you cared for other people."

"Only when their misery makes me miserable." He growled back,"Can you just come back with me and drink some tea or something?"

"Drink some tea?"
A cruel laugh escaped her lips, despite no humor being in the conversation.

He scowled,"Ya gotta better idea?"

She looked pointedly at the tree.

He added,"One that doesn't involve hurting yourself?"

When she didn't answer, he crossed his arms with a grimace.

"Just- look. I know I'm not the most...'trustworthy' guy around,"He shrugged,"But can ya just come back with me tonight? You can have the couch or whatever and I'll leave ya alone."


He threw up his hands. "I thought this was a cry for help!"

"What part of this looked like I wanted help??" She yelled. And as she said it, it hit her- she really didn't want help. She wanted nothing to do with people or socializing or any of it. And it scared her.

"(Y/n)," He started again,"If you don't come with me, I will drop kick you there."

She looked at the tree, tears brimming. She wouldn't cry. She wouldn't cry.

She turned back to him and nodded, not because she thought this would fix her or help her in any way, but because she knew what would happen if she stayed alone any longer.

"Okay...let's go."

He offered her his hand and suddenly jerked her in for a hug. She stood stiffly, not really sure how to respond or react or how to do anything in that moment.

"People care about you, dumbass," He murmured,"It's about time you realized that."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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