
41 1 0

Okay,Okay,Okay. This is the kind of ship I don't really ship, but can see why others would. Like, it's perfect right? The typical cliche of the main character gets the other main female character! But I am kind of glad J.K didn't make this canon. I really liked Harry and Hermione's relationship as friends I don't see the need to ruin their friendship with a romantic relationship. Like, they're just so brotp. They understand each other well enough to talk as friends, but they don't find the need to escalate it to a relationship.

Also, slight problem, Ronmione is there and it's perfect ship for Hermione. Like no other Hermione ship compares to it. I kind of see why people would ship this, but Ronmione is there and I like the way things turned out and won't change it.

Final Rating: 3/10

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