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Vincent: in about another four more ask and dare chapters

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Vincent: in about another four more ask and dare chapters.

Scott: yeah, also we quarantined Grey and Jeremy.

Mike: yeah, because overprotective Scott who's the father of the baby decided it was best TO LOCK THEM AWAY IN A ROOM WITH A BIG WINDOW SO WE COULD SEE HOW THEY'RE DOING!?!!

Meanwhile at the room . . .

Jeremy: you got any *sneezes* fives?

Grey: *coughs* N-no go blue

Jeremy: ok *sniffles*

[The sound of mike's yelling can be heard]

Jeremy: Did you hear t-that?

Grey: Yeah i-*coughs* I heard *cough* that.

Jeremy: to bad there's no window here. . .

Grey: yeah, only one big mirror, I hate mirrors *hic*

Jeremy: *cough cough* yeah, I wonder what they're doing tho . . .

Grey: yeah my curiosity is killing me and-I WIN!

Jeremy: heh yeah - OH WAIT WHAT! Oh come on! Every single time!

[The both of them then regretted screaming as repeated coughing can be heard]

Grey: ugh *coughing* my throat hurts like hell

Jeremy: same *chough*

Grey: *cough cough* yEaH r-round 25

Jeremy: eh why not? *Coughs*

[Back to the other side of the room]

Scott: yeah so the baby won't get infected!

Mike: you mean Vincent!

[The both of them countinued on fighting]

Vincent: yeah, enjoy.

[Hey, if you're reading this Chapter and wondered why grey and Jeremy is sick, well it's because . . . SUPRISE!
I am actually Legitimately sick in real life, oh and when grey got sick Jeremy felt bad and hugged her when she sneezed so he got infected.

Jeremy: it was a nice hug tho

Yeah and YOU got infected,[all my fault]

Jeremy: it was worth it!

*Sigh* ok fine, enjoy the chapter bye!

Jeremy: Bye! *Sneezes* ]

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