Chapter I: Hidden Me

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            The alarm clock rings!

            It was Monday – at 7 O’clock when I needed to rush to get up from my bed, because it was the first day of classes. I was not able to move fast and was feeling tired because of sleeping late at night or maybe because I was not set to go to school yet. I slowly moved and went to the shower room but momentarily seated there while the water was dropping. I was stunned when my mother came to me and rushed me to take a bath.

            I went under the shower and shouted for it was cold. I finished it within five minutes with all stuffs to do.

            After taking a bath, I went back to my closet with my bathing towel covering all over my body. I put my clothes on and I was on the rush. After that, I took my bag and ran through the stairs.

            Mom was then at the car waiting for me. She was going to bring me to school. The school was 20 minutes away from our house. While on the car, I was thinking about my school, of what students would I be with and teachers to teach me. I asked mom, “How was it when you were a freshman student?” She replied, “It was fine and I was quite nervous.” Then, we continued to talk about things in high school. She told me everything that she experienced before that could be possibly experienced by me during my high school years.

            I was not that excited and instead, I was just feeling good. I was just a simple freshman student who didn’t have any idea of what experience I will be having.

            After 20 minutes of travel, I saw the red gate of the school with its golden letters naming it. I went out of the car after kissing mom.

            I slowly walked towards the entrance. I was amazed – for the school was huge and many students were there. All in their civilian clothes and I noticed that freshmen were given two weeks to wear civilian clothes.

            On that moment, I felt decent to meet my classmates. But before I met them, I went to the Information Center to see the listing of students. I was on the roster of the Year I- Falcons. I looked for my room and I found it on the third floor. Few students were there and there was no conversation being done. I sat down on the last chair near the door and opened my book and read it.

            After few moments, students were coming to our room. At last, we were completed. We were all thirty-five in the class. I looked around me and I saw my seatmate – she was cute. I wanted to talk to her, but I thought that – it would be hard for me to deal with her.

            Until our teacher came, I wasn’t able to talk to her even in a single word.

Then, the teacher introduced himself with a loud voice. He was Dr. Samuel A. Balbin or popularly known as “Doc Sam.” He served as our adviser and at the same time, our teacher in History.

After the class, I went to the canteen to get some snacks. While I was walking along the hallway, someone approached me. He said, “Hey dude, I’m Alfi, how about you?” I asked him, “What do you want from me?” “Well, I can see that you are alone. Can we be friends dude?” he replied. I told him, “Maybe I am not the one you want to be hanging out with.” And he excitingly replied, “Surely, you are. I know where you came from and I know what you can do.” I asked him, “What do you know about me?” “You are a superstar aren’t you? As they call you “The Shadow.”

As he told me some other things that he knew about me, I began to think to just assent him as a friend of mine. After a while, I told him, “So you know who I am, I think I don’t need to introduce myself anyway.”

Then, we sat down to eat.

While we were eating, I saw my seatmate who was so pretty and attractive. She was sitting right next to our table. I was looking at her and she noticed that I did look at her. Alfi said, “Hey, I can see you looking at that lady over there, hah?!” “No dude, nothing on it.” I replied.

So Alfi asked, “What happened to you? Why did you disappear after your last game with the Xavier Middle School Coyotes? I sadly replied, “I was injured at my back and went to America for surgery. When I was operated, my Doctor told me to stop playing basketball. Then, I did. For two years now, I have never set my feet on the Hard Court. But my Doctor said, I can play now, but my interest has flown far.” “Will you not give yourself a chance now?” he asked. “Time has passed away for me to continue my basketball.” I responded.

“Anyway, why do you know so many things about me?” I curiously asked him. “I was then a bench warmer of the Xavier Middle School Coyotes and I was watching how you moved during your games and now – we are in one school so I think we can work together.” “So, what do you want me to do then?” I asked, “Try out tomorrow at the gymnasium at exactly 8 o’clock in the morning, be there friend.” He said.

            Then, it was 5 O’clock in the afternoon. I went to the waiting area to wait for my mom. It was going home time when I saw that pretty face again sitting on the bench. I momentarily stopped and looked at her and tried to make a decision either to sit near her or not.

            Few seconds later, I walked and got closer and sat just beside her. That was the moment when my butt was exaggeratedly shaken.

            “Hello there!” I softly told her. “Hi!” She smiled. “Are you waiting for someone else?” I asked. “Yhup. I am waiting for my dad to fetch me, how about you? She responded. “Same as you are, but mom will fetch me.” I answered.

            Of about twenty seconds no one talked. It was an awkward moment. I was thinking of what I should say. My mind was not working well. Until she asked, “What is your name anyway?” And I answered, “I’m – JV.” “I’m Jazz” She whispered with smile as she stood up and walked to see her dad. And there was her dad and they went home.

            After ten more minutes, my mom came and fetched me. “How’s your day?” she asked. “It was fine. It’s good to start with and I just met some fine people here mom.” I answered. “I entered my room this morning and few people were there and no one was talking, until a lady sat down beside me and she was so cute.” I flashily uttered.

            Along the way we stopped on a fast food chain and ate. “Wow! It’s burger time.” I shouted. After eating, we went straightly home. 

                When we were home, my mom went starightly to her room after a good night kiss on my forehead. I half-laid on the couch and looked on the wall clock and started to think of what happened on the first day. 

                I ask myself, "Will I go back to playing basketball?" "Or...... just stop doing it?" With a sigh from my mouth, there was no answer for those questions. I rose up and took my computer and opened my social media account. I was shocked! Because, I got a message from Jazz the cute seatmate of mine. I was not expecting of things like this, but I just thought that, maybe it's right to have a friend like her. And after reading the message, I just sent a simple message with smiley at its end.

                There was only one thing for sure that I realized after that day. "I like that cute and pretty face." 

                   Then, I went to my room and slept. 

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