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"Do you have brain damage?" I scowled my eyes trained on his pale brown ones.

"Last time I checked?" He trailed off smirking as though what he had said was the most clever come back in the world. I rolled my eyes and sighed as I leaned back in the cold metal chair. All I had wanted was to sit in the quite corner of the library that I had claimed as mine and ignore any and all signs of life around me. That had been going quiet well until my skin had begun to prick with the odd sense of eyes following my every move. With a swift glance upwards I had been caught ,involuntarily, in an intense staring contest with a young boy across the room. After about minute of neither of us looking away I had finally rolled my eyes and returned them to the book they had been previously engaged with. However, the boy had took this, for whatever reason, as a sign to join me in my corner of loneliness, self pity and old books.

"Do you come here often?" Was his grand opening line. I couldn't help the snort that followed.

So now here I was after almost ten minutes of trying to get him to leave with no luck. A sigh escaped my lips as I tucked the book ,which I had yet to return to reading, under my arm and stood silently. Without any parting words to the boy I briskly walked towards the homely yet nonetheless sweet librarian up front. After checking out the book, I hurried outside and took a deep breathe of the crisp air that surrounded me. I closed my eyes and embraced the silence that enveloped the streets. It was barely eleven in the morning and so the usual noise that accompanied the small town of Beacon Hills was no where to be heard.

"I'm Luke by the way." I couldn't help the little squeak that escaped my lips at the sudden tear of my silence. Spinning on my heals I fixed my glare at the dark haired boy before me.

"I don't care." I raised an eyebrow effectively pulling the smirk off his face. I turned and headed down the side walk my eyes trained on my dirty pair of combat boots.

"What's your name?" I rolled my eyes as the Luke boy matched his steps to mine.

"Why do you care?"

"Am I not allowed to just be curious?"

"Curiosity killed the cat."

"But satisfaction brought it back." He smirked and I couldn't help the slight quirk in my lips.

"Madeline." I muttered after a beat of silence.

"Madeline?" He looked at me his eyebrows creased.

"What's wrong with Madeline?" I asked slightly offended.

"You wear a lot of black for a Madeline."

"Well shit, I'm sorry my mother didn't think to name me Deathstar." I rolled my eyes and picked up my pace. It wasn't like my outfit consisted of a large black leather jacket and leather jeans. I was simply wearing and pair of black leggings with a large black sweater to accompany it.

"She's sarcastic. I like it." He threw a wink and me and I pretended to gag. We walked in silence and I couldn't help but glance at him in curiosity. His dark brown hair stuck out in every direction possible as if his fingers had ran threw it a thousand times a day. His skin was tan yet pale at the same time, if that even makes any sense, and splattered with tiny dark moles going down his neck and disappearing into his lose plain white t-shirt. In all honesty he was quite an attractive guy, which is why I was confused as to why he had approached me in the first place. Don't get me wrong I wasn't unattractive. I knew I had some features that many people envied. Whether it was my pale blue eyes, my short blonde hair that never seemed to grow anywhere past my shoulders or the strange pattern of freckles that splotched perfectly across my petite nose, I had always looked different from all the tan, tall beauties that crawled around this town. Yet having boys approach me was basically extinct. Hell having people approach me was practically extinct.

"Well," I licked my lips and successfully brought Luke's attention to me. "I need to be home now." There was no way in hell I was letting him walk with me all the way to my house. He was a stranger. He could be a rapist. Or borderline crazy. The latter seemed more likely since he had willingly taken his time to carry out a conversation with me.

"Oh yeah sure." He smiled thankfully taking the hint. His lips quirked into a smirk and he stepped back slowly never once taking his eyes away from mine.

"I'll see you around Madeline." I didn't respond because most likely we wouldn't. Those were just words that were said because turning and walking away without so much as a goodbye was deemed rude in this day and age. I sent him a slight nod and turned away hurrying back on the path that let to home.


My house was not much to look at. A simply two story painted in beige, not white, according to my mother, with a white rectangular roof. I climbed up the three stairs and pushed the door open, walking into the warm interior.

"Oh Maddy darling is that you?" My mother's voice traveled from the small kitchen. "I was making a sandwich would you like one?" I responded with a grunt but she knew me well enough to take it as a yes. I climbed the stairs my eyes drooping slightly. Tossed myself on my bed, I opened the book I was carrying to the page I had marked with my simple paper bookmark. A few minutes into the book I heard a faint knock on my door and without waiting for me to acknowledge her, my mother walked in and set a plate on the dresser next to my tiny bed.

"How was your walk?" She asked stroking my pale blonde hair. Hell everything about me was pale. I continued scanning the book with my eyes, soaking in everything on the pages.

"Yeah mom it was awesome." He mocked in a weak impression of me.

"Yeah mom it was awesome." I muttered dryly. I could practically feel her eyes roll before she patted my hair once more and left my room. I lost myself in the pages of my book only taking a quick break to gobble down the sandwich in my dresser.

Later that evening I hurried downstairs and sat on the dining table hungrily awaiting my food.

What? One sandwich wasn't enough to satisfy me, sue me.

My father strolled in tired as ever and placed a kiss at the top of my head before placing a chaste kiss upon my mother's lips. Dinner consisted of my father reciting everything that had happened during his oh so fascinating job as a dentist and my mother following it up with all the latest drama among the neighbours. All the while I would eat as quickly as I could barley taking in air between bites before hurrying back to my room and back to my book. When my eyes could no longer make out the words on the pages I took it as my cue for bed. I glanced at the clock seeing the time flash in neon blue numbers


I snuggled deeper into my blankets and drifted off to sleep.


I sat in my usual spot on Sunday morning continuing the book I had checked out the day before from where I last stopped. My eyes darted up once again when I heard footsteps pad lightly across the floor. I didn't understand what I was looking for exactly. Well that was a lie. I was looking for Luke. I had simply assumed for some odd reason that maybe ten a.m library reading might have been a hobby we both possessed. Although, as the hands if the clock progressed on I felt a strange twinge if disappointment. A cute guy actually shows some form of interest in me and I don't get any information besides his name. How smart of me. I shrugged off an idea of seeing him again and lost all track of time in my book.

After spending half the day at the library I hurried back home to avoid what looked to soon be rain. Sunday dinner was no different from Saturday. After hurrying down my meal I went into my bedroom to complete some last minute homework for Monday morning. I finished just a few minutes before my father came knocking.

"I'm off to bed kiddo. Get some rest. School tomorrow." He left down the hall towards his bedroom. I did my routine and climbed into bed, staring at the ceiling until unconsciousness took me.

// not proofread // this is just a story idea I had, I'm not sure if it shall be continued //

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