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I cringed as the loud sound of my school's late bell sounded through the halls. Releasing an annoyed sigh I hugged my books tighter to my chest and hurried into what I referred to as my own personal hell.

"Ah Ms Prior, late as ever I see." My eyes flickered to my English teacher who levelled me with, what I assumed, was meant to be a disapproving stare.

"Ah Mr. Fitz, annoying as ever." I said just loud enough for just him to hear. His lips quirked up slightly before he slid a pink slip in my direction that meant I'd have yet another break time of cleaning whatever room seemed fit. Sighing I shoved the slip carelessly into my washed out blue jeans pocket and tugged my black bag strap higher up my shoulder. Turning I made my way to my usual seat, white converses squeaking against the spotless floor. Mr. Fitz continued his lesson as I pulled out my notebook flipping it to a fresh page. School has always been something that came easily to me. Probably because there wasn't much in my life to distract me.

"Sarah?" Mr. Fitz snapped his fingers in front her face and she blinked quickly, a dazed and sheepish smile slipping onto her face. I snorted as she tried to mumble an answer to the question that most likely hasn't entered her brain because it was to busy picturing our middle aged English teacher pinning her against the lockers and having his way with her. This was usually what class contained. The only people who really cared about what was happening in the lesson being taught where the girls who made it quite obvious no one has pleasured them in quite a long time. I spent the rest of the class focusing on the doodle of the the fire breathing dragon I was creating in he back of my notebook.

"Hey Maddy." I paused my foot halfway out the classroom. Spinning around I raised an eyebrow at Mr. Fitz waiting for him to explain why he felt the need to stop me.

"Tell your mom I can't make it to dinner tonight, to many papers to correct." He continued eyes focused on the stack of work he had set in front him.

"Oh damn Ezra, she'll be pissed, she's been planning this feast since I left home this morning."

"Sounds like my sister." Ezra chuckled rolling his eyes. "Just tell her...I'll deal with the aftermath later." He waved me off.

"Sure thing Uncle Fizzy." I heard his groan at my horrible nickname as I trudged away from the classroom. My days continued in the same manner, doodling in my notebooks during long and tedious classes and hiding away in the library during free periods. When lunch rolled around I took a seat on the bleachers that overlooked the wide football field and slightly chewed on my sandwich watching as students walked around and chatted animatedly to their friends. I'd never been much for social interactions and spent most of my lunches like, this perched away from the rest of the world watching in on their laughter and fun. Don't get me wrong I had friends, other members of the pottery club to be exact, who I spent my Friday evenings with in the art room making bowls and vases of all sorts. They were good company but outside the art room we all stuck to our own groups or in my case to ourselves.

After suffering through a another day of obnoxious students and snappy teachers I made my way to the library. I smiled slightly at the the librarian and she returned it with a wide grin.

"I swear you're in here more than me and I own the place." She chuckled her voice fragile and years worth of deep wrinkles appeared around her smile. I let out a small chuckle and responded before making my way to my usual seat. I, however, noticed something quite strange about my seat. The strange thing being that it was already occupied.

"Uh hello." The boy spun around in my seat and I immediately recognised the brown eyes and moles.

"Damn took you long enough, I've been here for about fifteen minutes." He made a show of checking his wrist which, mind you, didn't even hold a watch.

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