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The sound of my phone buzzing sounded faintly in the back of my mind and I released an annoyed groan. After many minutes of rapid blinking I took in the neon green numbers on my cheap alarm clock. 3:00 a.m. With another annoyed groaned I grabbed my phone from its safe place under my pillow before sliding my thumb across the screen and putting in the quick passcode. A text from 'Luke is a penguin' showed on my screen and my eyebrows came together in confusion.

Hey you awake?

I sat up and tugged my shirt from where it had ridden up on my shirt as though Luke could see me from the screen of my phone.

I am now...

I sent the message biting my lip slightly.

Im calling you.

I barely had time to process the message before my phone blared out its ringtone. With a slight curse I clicked the reject button to silence the phone. A few seconds later, however, the ringtone began to blare again. I accepted this time letting out a harsh hello.

"Did you just ignore my call." Luke's voice rang out through the phone. His voice was loud and wide awake which is strange seeing that it was 3:00 in the morning.

"Sorry the ringing scared me." I shrugged forgetting he couldn't see me. I could feel his eye roll through the phone. I'm totally lying...no one can actually feel an eye roll.

"Where are you?" I asked, hearing the faint sound of "I Lived" playing in the background.

"Not important." He mumbled and I heard shuffling before the music faded away completely. I sat quietly for a minute hearing nothing but his faint breathing.

"So is there a reason you called or-"

"What's your favourite colour?"


"What is your f-"

"I heard you the first time."

"Then why'd you say what?" I groaned and he chuckled at my irritation. I sighed and slid back down into my bed getting comfortable.

"Black." I said softly.

"No shit?" He asked.

"What's wrong with black?"

"That's like one of the most cliché answers I've ever heard."

"It is not!"

"It totally is..next you're gonna say 'I choose it because it's as black as my soul'." He said and I couldn't help my slight giggle.

"Actually I choose it because it's as black as the people around me's soul."

"How morbid of you Madeline."




"What's the colour of your soul?" He asked. I was quiet for a moment.

"I don't know." I muttered "what do you think it is."

"I think," he paused "that has yet to be decided." I rolled over and stared at the ceiling above me. I couldn't see anything through the thick darkness that clouded my room but I knew that ceiling enough to be able make out the position of every crack that crawled along the concrete build.

"Have you fallen asleep."

"Not as yet." And then we were silent again. His breath was slow and calming as I stared unblinking at the ceiling. My mind was blank which was such a rare thing I couldn't help my next words.

"I'm glad you called Luke." I said quietly.

"Why's that Madeline?"

"Because I lied before."


"I wasn't actually asleep."

"Oh my goodness!" he screeched out. The contrast of the words was deafening compared to the soft tone he was using a few minutes ago that I jumped slightly. "how could you spout such a terrible lie you deceitful wretch." And when I heard the humour laced in his tone, I laughed.

"Why weren't you asleep Madeline?" He said after my laughter had died down to a light smile.

"I was drowning in the abyss that is my mind." He was silent again and I didn't mind. He didn't speak again and neither did I until finally I looked at the neon number again and it read 3:30 a.m.

"I'm a human." I said.

"No really?!" He responded.

"Humans need sleep."

"I'm aware of that thank you Madeline."

"You're a sarcastic little thing." I acknowledged.


And I didn't know how to respond so I said "So."

"Perhaps so can be our always."

"Why Lucas," I giggled "I wasn't aware you spent your free time stocking up on quotes from teenage romance movies."

"I don't."

"You don't?"

"I spend my free time stocking up on quotes from teenage romance books."

"Romance books?"

"Yes..that movie was originally a book you know."

"I did not know." Because I really hadn't. I heard his sharp intake of breathe and then the dial tone. He had hung up on me. My phone pinged with a new message.

What kind of fraud book lover has never heard of TFIOS.

Well excuse me but romance isn't necessarily my main book choice.

I'm not speaking to you until you read the book.

I rolled my eyes at his dramatics and put my phone back in its original position. I settled back into my bed before a ping interrupted me.


And there goes that smile again.

//This is terrible and no one is even reading this book. Plus I haven't actually updated in five years so. Slight exaggeration.

Anyway, I'll have a lot of chapters like this (just phone conversations) and they'll mostly be fillers so yeah.

Once again not proof read.\\

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2015 ⏰

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