Chapter 11 - P.E...

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-Okay class two and two you are going to preform a at least one minute dance one girl and one boy! The P.E teacher says.
I look at Marvel. He is my best guy friend (Cato as well of course) please let us be together! The other guys are so weird. They will make our dance into something that we need body contact or something. Ew. Marvel is just fun to work with as a friend!
-Glimmer and Marvel!
-Yes! I say and smile at him.
We go away to a place where no one can see us so they don't copy.
-Okay Glimmer I'm thinking that we can do something funny and cool, you know what I mean? He says. He starts doing some moves. I try to not laugh but it's hard.
-I'm sorry Marvel but that was just funny and weird! Not so cool. I say and pats him on the shoulder.
He laughs.
He's actually pretty cute when he laughs.
Oh no! No no no! Clove is my best friend I can't like her boyfriend. And I do have Cato! Shit! I look him in the eyes. Damn that's cute. I can't control myself I say
-It's bad that we're both are taken by others...
-What? He says. Dammit!
-Never mind! I say quickly.
-Yeah, I know. I like Clove but you are cute as well...
-yeah same with me... I say.
And somehow our heads moves slowly against each other and our lips meet. We kiss.
-Oh, I am sorry to interrupt you two but the time is out.
-Oh, I'm sorry Miss but...we aren't done yet... I say.
-Okay. You can have next class to make it done as well.

After the class me and Marvel sits and discuss what happened.
-I don't think that was fake. I believe it was real... Marvel says.
-Yea. Me too. I say.
And before I could say anything we kiss again.
It felt wrong but I didn't want it to end.
-WHAT THE HELL!? I hear someone shout. Oh f*** I forgot we sat on the yard! I look up and see Clove and Cato.

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