Filling The Emptiness Part 5 Special

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This will a little short story of everything like from doing some teaching or something like that

A continuation of the previous story of their family time

Any way as all ways I don't own anything just the plot that's it alright.

On with the story


Two months later

Teo's home

"come on Taka-chan, say ma-ma," Orly said to Taka in her arms

"bwa-bwa" Taka replied looking at his mother. Orly just giggled at her son babbling words.

Orly was trying to teach Taka how to speak, they were in the front garden sitting by the porch. Teo was out buying groceries for dinner.

"come on Taka-chan you can do it, say ma-ma," she said again enthusiastically

"mwa... mwa" Taka said again. "Come on you can do it Taka-chan, one more time say MA-MA," she said happily, encouraging him to try again.

"," Taka said nearly on it, Orly was starting to smile more."m-mwa.. mwa" "just a bit more"

"MAMA!!!" Taka said happily. Orly smiled and lifts her son up in the air." I knew you could do it Taka-chan" She said happily proud at her son, and then she hugged her.

"mama mama" Taka kept saying. Orly smiled more and cuddled her son with affection.

Then the front door was heard sliding open and Orly went there, she saw Teo entered the home with the groceries and was taking of his Geta. She went to him and welcomed him home with Taka in her arms.

"Welcome home, dear," she said excited. Teo nodded at her while smiling.

"Teo guess what Taka-chan just called me Mama!!" she said to him happily.

"really?" Teo replied interested. She nodded excitingly and looked at her son in his arms.

"Come on Taka-chan, say, Mama," she said to Taka. "MAMA!!" Taka said lifting his arms happily.

"See, he called me mama!!" Orly said and faced her husband.

Teo just smiled and went to them. "if he could call you mama, can he say Papa?" Teo said hoping his son can call him Papa.

"of course he can, my little Taka-chan is very smart. Taka say Papa to Teo" she said to Teo and looked to Taka happily.

Taka looked at his mother confusedly. "say Pa-Pa" Orly said to him

"mama?" he just said. "no Taka-chan, I'm Mama" she pointed to herself then pointed at Teo who was looking at them smiling "Teo is Papa, lets try again say Papa"

"pwa...pwa?" he said confused. " come on Taka-chan you can do it, I know you can do it, say PA-PA"

"". "just a bit more, come on Taka-chan say Pa-pa," she said encouraging her son.

"p-p-pa pwa," he said slowly then he looked at Teo who was looking at him smiling. "PAPA!!" he said while reaching for Teo.

"There it is, that's my little Taka-chan," Orly said proudly then kissed his cheek.

Teo smiled and reached to take Taka in his arms. Orly gently passes Taka into Teo's arms.

Taka put his little hand on Teo's cheek and babbled happily "PAPA PAPA!"

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