Filling The Emptiness Part 4

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A continuation of the previous story of their family time

Taka as a baby is so much better don't you think?

Any way as all ways I don't own anything just the plot that's it alright.

On with the story

Two days later


the sun was rising, many birds were chirping and flying. It was a beautiful start of the day

In the home belonged to the esteemed Four Lord of Moonlit Isle, Teo. The house was silent due to the owner still resting. Suddenly the silence disappeared when there came crying.


Near a room where the crying could be heard. The owner of the house was starting to wake up from the noise.

Teo was starting to wake up from the noise. He saw that his wife was starting to wake up too from the noise. He reached his hand to her shoulder to stop her advance.

"shh, I will get him," he said quietly to her.

Orly nodded. Teo stood up from their shared futon bed and went to the crib beside them.

He then reached in to the crib to carry the one responsible for the noise.

"there, there Taka, what's wrong?" Teo said carrying the child while patting the back. He felt Taka stomach grumbled. He sighed a moment then smiled.

""for a child, he has a big appetite""

He then carried the child with him, slides the door open and closed it. He walked through the hall and went to the kitchen to fetch the little one some milk.


Teo walked to the kitchen with Taka in his arms. He reached through a cup board and pulled out a baby bottle and some milk. Yesterday he and Orly went to the market buying sort of item to accommodate Taka's needs.

He gently pours the milk into the bottle to fill it up. He closed the bottle and gently shakes it.

"here you go Taka, opened up," Teo said softly to the child while motioning the bottle in his hand towards Taka.

Taka opened his mouth and gently sucked the content within the bottle for a moment, he then suddenly releases the bottle and suddenly cried.


Teo was surprised, he knew the child was hungry but didn't know why he won't drink it. Teo suddenly remembers something important that Orly told him before


"Remember Teo, you are supposed to feed Taka-chan warm milk, don't feed him cold one he won't drink it," Orly said while holding Taka in her arms.

Flashback ends

Teo wanted to slap himself for his forgetfulness. He turned his attention to a crying Taka

"there, there, you will have your milk in just a moment." He said to Taka. Taka's crying turned into a sniffle.

He put the bottle on the counter. Teo carefully place Taka onto a crib near the counter, He then reached for a bowl inside the cupboard and fill it with water. He put it above his stove then he took 3 logs beside the stove and throw them into the firepit bellow it. He then grabbed a matchstick in the drawer and light it.

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