A Bat Out Of Hell

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"You look ..." His eyes scan down my curves. "Insanely good."

"Well thank you," I whisper through feather-light kisses. "We might have to wait a little longer to get dancing though. This girl has a speech to make!"


Emma P.O.V

I make my way over to the east side of the infinity pool and turn to face all of my stunning campmates. "Hey, everyone!"

I'm given a round of acclamation. "I just wanted to come up here, as your new Queen," I chuckle. "And say thank you for everything you've done for me over the past three weeks. When I first entered that jungle, I remember meeting John on that first day and wondering where he buys his amazing clothes from."

"New Look hunni!" He does a little twirl. "Half price clearance sale!"

I love John.

"But seriously, I can't imagine sharing my past three weeks with anyone other people. I think it's fair to say we've had our ups and downs, but I've had the time of my life. I love my girls, my boys, and my boyfriend more than I love myself! So now, lets party, drink way too much and make some really stupid decisions!"

Later in the night ...

I've been dancing with Cassy, Emily, Fleur and James for the hours of sunset. My hair is drenched in sweat; beads of water fall off of my skin onto the dance floor, meanwhile, my system is full of wine and high-per cent-vodka.

I think I almost snogged Noel Edmonds too... thank god Sair was there to slap me.

An upbeat song - 'By My Side' by Jonas Blue - starts to surround the room. My temptation to slut drop heightens when I hear the beat drop, but I've never realised so prominently that drinking really makes you need the toilet.

I grab James' hand. "I'm just going to the bathroom. I'll be back in a few seconds."

"Ok." He pecks my cheek. "But be quick!"

I lift up the bottom of my dress and drag my feet over to a black metal door in the corner of the hallway that leads down to the toilets.

I trundle down a candlelit hallway, spotting the ladies bathroom right at the end. After finishing up my business, I wash my hands, dry them, have a quick girly natter.

"We loved watching you in the jungle!" A woman the same age as me glitters. "I'm Tuesday. Nick's daughter."

"You're so pretty!" It's nice to meet you!"

I make my way out of the toilets after a selfie with her. As I'm making my way into the hall, I spot Malique leaning up against the wall. He's all dressed up in a black suit with a little yellow rose in his pocket, planned to match his date's outfit.

"Hey, Malique."


"Are you waiting for Fleur?" I ask. "Because if you are, she's not in the toilets. I think she's out on the dancefloor."

"Um, no." He stumbles over his words. "I was actually waiting for you."

"... What?"

Like a bat out of hell, Malique runs and forces his body onto mine, using his strong grip to throw me into his chest. He squeezes my torso tight, expelling all my breath from my tightening lungs before backing into the wall.

"You look really pretty tonight." I can smell the beer in his breath as it spreads over my face. "I never ... never wanted Fleur."

"Mal! Get off me!" I use my arms to push him away, but I'm nowhere near strong enough. Mal's lips hook onto my neck, biting down like a rancid vampire.

The Heart of the Jungle - James McVey - I'm A Celebrity 2018 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now