Chapter 3

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A/n: RoadTrip's cover of Dusk Till Dawn by Zayn Malik and Sia ^^^^

Jack's POV:

"Boys I think I know who I want to adopt." Andy said hugging a crying Mackenzie. "But - wait never mind. Who?" I asked knowing that it was obviously Mackenzie. "Hey Mackenzie" Andy said softly. "y-yeah" Mackenzie replied, even though it was muffled by Andy's chest we all still heard her. "How would you like to be adopted?" Andy asked. "By us" Rye added. I mentally slapped my face. "Oww" I said, nope I didn't mentally slap myself I actually did it. "That's the consequence of slapping your face with rings on Jack" Mikey said trying not to laugh at me rubbing my forehead in pain. "Boys seriously, we're tryna talk to Mackenzie here." Rye said laughing at us immaturely having a raspberry-blowing contest. "So Mackenzie what do you say?" Josh perked up from beside Andy. "Uhm, I mean idk, I like the idea. I really do but I always get sent back so I'm not too sure"  Mackenzie said puling away from Andy's embrace. "Heyy, we wouldn't send you back. What would the point be in asking you if you wanted us to adopt you if all we wanted to do was send you back. I mean we wouldn't send ANYone back here. Except maybe that Alex dick." I said to Mackenzie, whispering the last part. Thankfully no one heard me. "Mackenzie just go. I'm sick of seeing your nasty taste of fashion anyway" Mrs. Miller said coldly. What a bitch. "Fine, I'll go. At least then I won't have to put up with you bitching and screaming at me like a fucking hawk" Mackenzie said back to the headmistress stepping dangerously close to her. Thank the lord Josh pulled her away with the help of Brook.  "Boys, come with me and you can sign the adoption paper, I'll need all your signatures as you all live together." Mrs. Miller said with a smile of triumph spread across her tarty face. "Uhm yeah sure, Mackenzie do you wanna get your stuff together then meet us out side the head misstress' office?" Rye asked, already walking to drag Mikey away from staring at a banner in the hall. "Uhm yeah sure, I'll meet you guys down here in about 30 ish minutes then" Mackenzie said nodding. We had already seen everyone's paperwork so we knew how many different care homes Mackenzie had actually been in and we all instantly felt sorry for her, she was never able to settle into a loving caring family. I was glad we were adopting her. I just hope biscuit likes her, he's weird around strangers but a love-able dog all round. 

(Biscuit is the poor dog that Rye is holding upside down

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(Biscuit is the poor dog that Rye is holding upside down... Poor little thing, by the way just to clarify Rye doesn't always hold Biscuit like that!) 

Mackenzie's POV:

I was so happy to be getting adopted, even though I knew I'd be back soon anyway. I don't know what it is about these guys but they just seem so trustworthy and caring. It reminded me of Olivia, speaking of which she was adopted 2 days before these lads came here. I was gutted when she left. But I had her number anyways so I could always message her. Josh had came with me to help me pack, he didn't say anything as he didn't want bitch face Mrs. Miller to scream at him like the fucking hawk she is. I pulled my suitcase out from under my bed and starting packing all my clothes in it after Josh had handed me them. I as kinda happy he was helping if not it would have taken forever to pack all my belongings. I decided that as it was my last here I should piss Mrs. Miller off as much as humanely possible. I played my regular Spotify playlist on full volume, thankfully Joshua was into the same type of music as me. We quickly finished packing up all my clothing. Jammed out to Nirvana 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' and stripped my 'MCR' bedding from my bed. I was emptying a box of all my "junk" inside my case whilst Josh sat on my bed scrolling through Facebook. I saw something glisten in the bottom of the box, then again, again, again, again and again. My collection of blades... I quickly but carefully put them into the corner of the box and took the box over to the other side of the room to find a small tub for them to be packed with all my belongings. I found my old gum pot, better than nothing I guess. A lot of my "friends" get confused when they find out about the blades and me self harming. I mean anyone would, I wear short sleeved shirts and have no scars on my arms. My secret: nobody checks my thighs... 'They'll check your wrists but not your thighs, they'll check your smile but not your eyes, they'll avoid the truth and believe the lies, and when it comes down to your demise, they'll cry and act as if it's a surprise' I thought to myself as I put the old gum pot in the front of my suitcase. "Aaaaaannnnnnnddddddd done!" I said holding the and fro much longer than I should have. Joshua looked up and put his phone away before standing up and walking towards me. He put his hands around my upper arms in a comforting way "You got everything babe?" Josh asked, sadness drowning his eyes as realisation hit him. "Uhm yeah I think so" I said doing a mental checklist, phone, charger, earphones, blades, earrings, spare piercings, several notebooks to doodle in, about 1000000 pens for the doodling, all items of clothing from my wardrobe, the little box from on top of the wardrobe, laptop, laptop charger, guitar, my favorite teddy from when I was like 4 that never leaves my side and my bedding. Yep that's everything. "I'm gonna miss you" Josh said, tears slowly welling in his eyes. "Hey babe, don't cry. I'll call and message you all the time and I'll come and see you whenever I can, I promise" I said hugging him as though we were never gonna see each other again. He pulled away from the hug only to capture my lips in a needy but passionate kiss. We didn't pull back till we needed air. "I love you Josh" I said ruffling his hair, which he only lets me do. "I love you more Mackenzie" he said to me fiddling with my left lip piercing, I swear he loves the piercing more than me sometimes. "C'mon we better get going before Mrs. Miller kicks you out with them boys" Josh laughed hugging me again, before showing his gentleman side by taking my suitcase downstairs for me whilst I carried my guitar. We got to the bottom of the stairs and I heard the boys messing about down the hall, wow you can hear them before you see them. I took a deep breath in before walking down the hall towards my new family.

A/n: (@xxxxdaiaxxxx I promised a chapter and here it issss)I hope y'all liked this chapter. I know I don't. Apologies about the late update but I wasn't in the correct mindset to write, to make up for it I will post another chapter this week (before Friday, hopefully) then my updates will be back to normal and up on a Wednesday. I'm not gonna drone on about votes and comments cos yanno, not ma thing...  

~Anyways, Ily, Tanna xx

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