Chappy # 12

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Now ....I am extremely sorry for late I was strucked at some scenes while writing them.....

Enjoy this family Chappy whole heartedly nd give me feedback....

If any mistakes are there plz ignore them....humble request...thank u..


Hello guys ...dont avoid to read this note nd dont stop at the end of the Chappy ...plz continue till the end where I posted an AUTHOR'S NOTE...nd dont avoid reading the note as it has an important points nd questions to know ur plz ...its a request from ur Phanikiran..

As usual plz imagine the scenes nd expressions of every character in the scenes while saying the dialogs...


After Shivaay's mission of getting gyaan...OM filled with happiness....

Days are passing....Annika getting a beautiful glow nd shine day by day.....

Everyday ....every one trying their best to keep her usual Rudra's childishness continuing....

One day Rudy declared that by saying...

"until Pari's entry into Mansion...he is the kid of the house they should bare his childishness"....

They all smiled for his words nd said...

"after Pari's entry also...he should be treated as kid...but dont give chance to Pari to treat him as kid"....

Hearing it he kept a pout nd all laughed...

Annika entered into 7 th month...she clearly sensing the baby's movements inside nd she started enjoying it...she told the same to all nd others also enjoyed feeling happy while sensing the baby's movements by keeping the hand on her growing bump....

Shivaay became a child sensing baby's movements...he cant express his happiness....seeing his happiness Annika felt more happy...even he started talking with the baby ....sometimes he talks with the baby in the night while Annika is sleeping...Annika smiled herself for his acts....

Dr.asked for a scan as Annika entered in 7 th month....They did as per Dr.s instruction ....after scan Dr. said no need to worry nd baby is growing in very well manner...

But Shiv asked Dr. as he has a heart is there any chance to it carry over to baby....

Dr. said to him that no need to get worry....Baby's hear beating is perfect...still u have any doubt ...u just do an another scan which is an advanced one in which we will get a clear picture nd discription of baby's inner organs but dont try to know the gender....

Shiv said that..."he never bother about the gender of baby...for him both boy nd girl are fact if he blesses with girl ..he feels more happy....he is asking it to know about the baby's health...he dont want any type of problem that arise in baby's health...wtever he can do for it he will ....after that everything depends on god nd we welcome it"...

Dr. praised him nd she gave him the priscription writing the name of the scan...nd said after completing the scan her the report ..there is no need for Annika to come...

He nodded nd later they both reached OM....

when they all asked about the scan report he said wt Dr told to him...

"dont worry Billu....all will be well...."said Dadi


2 days later taking the report of the scan....Shiv went to Dr. to show the report accompanying Om

My 2 ANGELS *Shivika's New Journey* (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now