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*slightly Proofread *

Author pov

They both woke up looking at each other arms smiling to each other and giggle like little kids. Jimin couldn't stop looking at the engagement ring that Jungkook place on his hand. Jungkook on the other hand couldn't stop smiling, he never felt this happy in such a long time since Lacy. Sure she is pretty in all to all other people, but Jungkook could see right through it and therefore she wasn't his type of person. But his mother encouraged it though so he went through with it even though he know it is not right for him. Later his mother found out what kind of woman she is and agree to leave her, but it wouldn't stop her for finding her son a mate.

Slowly they both got out of bed and slowly getting ready to go back to reality, when they kinda didn't want to. "Jungkook, you should ordered some food. I'm kinda getting hungry. Please?" Jimin asked Jungkook who was also getting ready as well.

"Well okay. There should be a menu here somewhere. You can ordered what you like okay. There is only a few people in this hotel that have access to my private suite level."

"Oh who?" Jimin asked again.

"Well there is Hobi, Jin, Tae and Namjoon."

"Oh really?"

"Yep any other are not allowed unless you prove your responsibility here at the hotel."

Suddenly Jimin remember that Jungkook use to dated Lacy, "Jungkook? Don't you think 'she' will have access here?" Worrying about it.

Jungkook, could see that Jimin is worried a little. "No, I don't think she will. Her access was terminate long time ago."

"Oh. In that case I'll just ordered food now."

"Make sure that is either Jin or Namjoon to deliver it since they have access to it."


So jimin ordered food through Jin, who was so happy to hear Jimin's voice again. The two talk for a bit catching up on what is going on lately. In the distance, Jimin could hear Taehyung's voice. This surprise Jimin as to why he is here, but all he could say is that there is something important that he needs to talk to Jungkook about later. But as of right now he say that he is watching the hotel until Jungkook comes down from the suite. Jimin laugh and told them that he has an amazing new he need to tell too, but it would be best to say it front of them. They were all excited and can't wait to see each other again.

Jin told Jimin that when the food is ready him and Tae will be up there soon and talk some more. Jimin now excited, so he hung up the hotel phone and finish getting ready for the day.

Jin pov

It was so good to hear Jimin's voice again after about maybe 2 weeks or so after the incident. I made sure to make the best food that I can think of, cause I bet he is so hungry after his heat and I bet Jungkook is. Soon I finish the food, I went back to find a rolling cart so I could place the food in. But when I came back I find my hard work of food prep is missing. Confuse, when I suddenly that I saw Lacy here somewhere roaming around the hotel, so I hurry to the front desk but when i was halfway there, Tae came rushing in.

Lacy pov

Soon Jin is gone to find the rolling cart I hurry and made my way without him looking. Put the food in the cart and hurry to the elevator like a snake and made my way to Jungkook private suite to get rid of Jimin who is up there with Jungkook. Once I reach my destination, I made my way to Jungkook's suite and knock on the door calling "room service." To find Jimin who answer the door instead while made my plan perfectly well played. "Lacy?" He says, He was about to turn around to called Jungkook's name, but with quick hands I cover his mouth with a sleeping drug and pull him out the door, but he move his hands and end up dropping the vase that was sitting by the door. I hurry move to the backup elevator of the suite and disappear from there. Once the elevator landed in the basement garage, I quickly throw him in the back of the SUV, which I am so surprised that he feels so light weight. Close the door and drove off as fast as this vehicle can take, missing Jungkook by few minutes off.

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