chapter 4

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The music blares so loudly that it hurts my ear drums. I am surprised the neighbors haven't called the police yet. The stench of booze hangs thickly in the air and the sight of drunk, horny high school graduates making out greets you at every corner where you turn your head. I cant seem to find Jason or the girls and this party is beginning to bore me. Suddenly everywhere goes dark and the music starts to fade. I get this sick feeling that am all alone and a cold shiver runs down my spine. I grab my phone from my pocket and put om the flashlight unprepared for the sight that greets me. The once packed living room is now empty with not a single soul but myself. The chairs are turned upside down, there are broken pieces of hardwares and furnitures lying around everywhere and there's clothes and empty cups and half eaten food strewn all over the place.

Jenna and Maggie are probably up to no good trying to prank me. I hear noise up stairs like someone just put on a radio or something. Instinctively I make my way up the stairs determined to kill my best friends for this stupid prank. Once I get to the top of the stairs the the scrambling from the radio stops as suddenly as it had began. A door slowly creaks open then shuts back so hard i can almost feel the house shake from the impact. My phone chooses this moment to go off and I curse silently.

"okay Jenna, you guys got me. Ive been pranked, you can all come out now" No response. A cold breeze blows gently and I can feel the goose bumps on my skin and the deathly shiver down my spine. The air is cold and still. Another door creaks open slowly and a small light shines from it. I know from all the horror movies Ive watched that this is the one room I shouldn't be going to but for some reason am drawn to this room and am moving towards it like my life depends on it. The room is dimly lit by the moonlight from the window. Everything seems in place which is a sharp contrast from the living room downstairs.

A storm breaks out suddenly and there is a heavy downpour outside. A very heavy breeze slams the door shut. By now I am so scared am practically trembling. Blaming it on the cold breeze, I make my way to the window and shut it firmly. I hear some sort of noise behind me and I turn sharply.

"who is there?" No reply. "Who the fuck is there? This isn't funny anymore." I say taking steps backwards in fright, my hand searching for a weapon of some sort. I stumble on something and fall hard on my ass. I wince from the pain and tears begin to gather in my eyes.

"Syd?" a familiar voice calls. I look up to see Jason standing by the doorway. Feeling relieved, I stand and lunge straight into his arms burying my head in his neck and letting the tears fall freely from my cheeks. He carries my over to the bed and brings me to sit on his lap, whispering words of comfort and stroking my back ever so gently while I cry into his neck."

The light flickers on suddenly and the music returns louder than before. I can hear people downstairs making noise and having a good time. I raise me head to look around. Jason is staring at me, the worry still etched on his face.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"uhmm yea" I say, wondering what in hell just happened here " am good. I better go find Maggie and Jenna"

Standing up reluctantly, I begin to make my way to the door. I am almost there when suddenly the light goes off again and the music instantly dies away my bravado with it. I turn back immediately to go to Jason but am shocked to find the bed where he sat empty.

"Jason?" No reply. I look around the now dark room and there is no trace of Jason. Am scared to my bones and I turn around to run for dear life only to hit something hard which wasn't there a moment ago. I open my eyes after the contact and look up to find Jason staring back at me. Okay so the "something is a someone after all" I open my mouth to scold him for playing such a prank on me but shut it when I see his eyes. They aren't the eyes of the Jason I know. These eyes are cold and angry and soulless. He grabs me roughly and yanks me unto the bed and before i can make any type of reaction,he is on top of me and his tearing at my clothes and squeezing my breast roughly and and keeping my legs apart with his knee. Screaming and crying I try to break free from his hold or find something with which to defend myself but its impossible, his just too strong.

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