Cammie and Zach; The Run of Life.

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A.N. So, this is the first chapter for the new story that follows off from Truth or Dare!! I will need your help in writing this story, i have an idea of where i want it to go, but i still need your guys help in what you want to happen in this story! Well, i hope you enjoy this chapter and this story and please let me know what you think of it!! Happy Reading!!

Chapter 1

Cammies P.O.V.

I've just reached the safe house in Tree Park Village. I can't believe i've run away again. What has my life come to, that i'm so used the running away and leaving people behind me that i dont even feel bad about leaving them behind!

So much has changed in so little time! 2 hours ago, i'd fooled myself into thinking that i was safe and that the Circle werent going to be chasing me anymore!! I was just thinking of going to bed before Zach arrived when i heard a noise outside. I grabbed my stunning gun and stood by the door. I peeked out the peep hole to see Zach stood there, making sure the coast was clear.

"Whats the password?"

"Really Cammie?"



At that i opened the door and let him in. As soon as he was in, i slammed the door, did up all the locks and jumped on Zach, hugging him tightly!

"I thought you weren't going to be leaving until tommorow? What are you doing here now?!"

"Your Mum and Steve were getting suspicious so i thought it be better i leave now. Also, i told Joe about the dead letter drop site you set up, he's really worried about you Cammie, and about breaking his promise to your dad about looking out for you. I didn't tell him the code, but i told hi to talk to girls, to tell them what he told me and that it would be up to them whether they let him in or not."

"Okay, but i dont want too many people to know about it Zach, theres probably some kind of technology out there somewhere that can trace where an updated was posted from!"

"I know Cam, this whole thing we're doing is dangerous, but as long as we stick together, we should be fine!"

"Yeah, i know Zach. Lets go to sleep, we have to be up early, so we can make a move early! I don't want to be staying in the same place for too long!"

Zach just nodded and i lead him into the bedroom, and set an alarm for 4:30am.

Zachs P.O.V.

There was an annoying buzzing ringing on the bedsite unit next to the bed. I felt a stirring next to me, and looked down to see Cammie waking up.

"Morning, beautiful"

"Good Morning yourself, handsome!"

I smiled and got ot of bed, heading towards to shower. After a very brief shower, i got dressed, while Cammie went and had her shower. After we were both dressed and had eaten some food, we double checked that we left no marks of us ever being here!

Once we were sure everything was as it was before we were here, we slipped out the door. First thing on our list to do was to find a car. We were walking down the street, making sure that no-body suspicious was about, but then again, its being 4:50am, theres not alot of people out and about at this time in the morning. Just up ahead i saw a car dealership.

"Cammie, what do you say to a litle 'Grand Theft Auto?"


A.N. So, here we go! The first chapter, so like i said, it will follow off from Truth or Dare, but because it doesn't really have anything to do with the 'Truth or Dare' story, it seemed like the besst idea to change it. What do we think of this stroy? Sorry, for it being such a short chapter, but i really want to know your guys opinion on it, so please if you read this, review it with what you thought was good, what you'd improve and what you want to happen!!

Happy Reading!


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