Epilogue: Feared, Loved and Indignant

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‘Tis with everything

That I hold: the world

Thy love,

At the end, fore’er

Upon such noble hair.

I gaze into thy eyes,

Hear the heart beat

Echo, drum into the ears

Of a lion,

Lioness roar

For yonder more,

Upon the moor,


Her heart was ice,

But warmed up by a king,

His heart was stone,

His mind alone;

Save his soul,

Kiss her skin.

We art together,

We make love in everyway

Hearts in hands,

Come to the art work.

Flay the unworthy,

Their skin shall melt,

Broke the flesh,

Leaving bites upon thy skin,

Whilst they burn,

Burn within. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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