Contest #1 ( 1st of September till 28th of September )

453 14 21

For the first contest here is the basic information, if anything is unclear, please PM.


-Describe the transition from Summer to Autumn

        How does it make you feel? What do you see? Does it give you a                                       certain feeling? What do you smell?

- Word limit : 200-500 words.- PM it to this account before the 28th of September.

You will be judged on the following:



-Grammar etc.

ATTENTION: If you don't follow the assignment you will be disqualified.


1. A dedication to this chapter and a shout out to 381 fans. You will obviously be named in the next chapter, which will create lots of publicity.

2. A dedication to the next chapter and you will be named in the next chapter, which will create lots of publicity.

3. You will be named in the next chapter, which will create lots of publicity and get a shout out to 381 fans.

 All of the three 'winners' will be named in our profile on the list of 'winners'.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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