Chapter 10

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A\N: Wow! Look the author actually published something! ⚠️ Warning there is gore in this chapter! ⚠️

Dabi's POV
I walk into the room were the "hero's" were being held. I see fear in their eyes and Izu shaping a knife. Izu walks over to me and shows me his knife work. I hear a groan and we both look over to see the purple haired one staring at us "hero's are coming, so you better start waving your white flag-"

In a flash Izu has his knife up against his throat "the only thing I will be waving is you decapitatied head in front of your weeping mother!"

In one quick slash Izu has cut a line across the kids jaw. He licks the blood off the knife "enjoy the pain"

Izu grabs a hand gun and another knife "I need to blow off steam"


3rd Person
Izuku repeatedly slammed the knife into his victims chest. Dabi smirks at his violent behavior. There was a wave of sirens and police officer came into Izuku's range of vision.

Izuku jumps up, knife in hand and his boyfriends in the other. He pulls hard "Come one we need to get out of here!"


Once back at the League of Villains, Shigaraki was curious on why Izuku was covered in blood. Izuku smirks "40 year old men bleed a lot"


Izuku shrugs, "needed to burn off steam"

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