Alex's Nonce club

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Alex's pov

I waited in front of the apartment door as my eyes wandered around the complex's building, nothing too special, extraordinary ordinary.

I Jumped slightly as the door was opened by a guy I knew as  Will Lenney, I had recalled meeting him last year at a youtube conversation where Stephen, his boyfriend introduced him to me.

"What are you doing you nonce?" He asked as he held the door open, as I was holding a box and had a lack of hands in that moment. "fuck off, I was waiting for you" I smiled as I followed him presumably up to where I'll be living for the next while.

"I'm George's best mate and I live at number 25 with Stephen, as you probably know and if you didn't " he turned, "now you do" he shrugged with a smile as we stepped into the elevator,

"Sorry if this is a weird question but how come I haven't met George yet?" I asked readjusting the box in my hands. "George? well he's a busy lad. Don't expect to be close to him, he tends to shut people out a lot" he said like he was thinking carefully, as we got off the elevator.

"Look Alex thanks for doing this, it's been hard to find anyone" Will told me as we walked along the corridor. "No problem".
"my living situation wasn't exactly the best, so if anything this is helping me out a huge amount" I assured him, forcing my mind to wander away from the question that had been playing on my mind.

Why was it so hard to find a roommate?

"I know your parents aren't well, exactly the best" he replied uncomfortably, honestly not sure how you're even decent" He sneered
"Thanks mate" I said half sarcastic as he shrugged his shoulders, a smile president on his face.

We stopped in-front of a door and Will placed him hand on the handle, carefully and uncertainly. As if the contents of the room was very likely to topple onto both of us. He had an unreadable expression on his face as he pulled his hand away before turning back to look at me.

He looked me dead in the eyes as he said "be careful ok?" I nodded, although now feeling slightly uncertain as he opened the door again and looked around for a moment.

We walked in and he points to a room. "That's your room, give us a sec yeah?"
I nodded slowly as I made my way into the room, a smile made it's way onto my face as I observed the room, my eyes focused on the grey walls, as gloomy as the sky the four walls were, it gave me a sense of comfort.

I placed my box down, somewhere I'd probably trip over it later, before I heard a low shout from what I assumed is this George's room "don't you fucking touch him" I heard Will bellow in a low tone, almost a growl.

I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion as I moved to sit on my bed, (of my already furnished room) are they talking about me? No it's probably something completely different. I think indefinitely as a loud bang echos throughout the apartment.

Being the nosy cunt I was I decided to see what was happening, jumping off my bed I strode out of my room. "is everything ok?" I asked as I saw Will was sitting on the couch with his face in the palms of his hands.

"It's- it's fine" he stuttered with an exasperated sigh, he turned to the door of the room next to mine as it opened and I immediately felt the tenseness of the atmosphere.

Despite my curiosity I focused my attention on Will, not sparing the other man a glance. He obviously wasn't ok. I sit next to him as I tapped his shoulder lightly, which in turn caused him to look up. "A-are you sure? I-" I got interrupted as I'm pulled up to stand behind Will.

"Jesus George fuck off" Will mumbled, Because  of the sheer difference of our heights I couldn't have looked over Will's shoulder so I opted on looking around him.

I see a brunette man with brown eyes to match his hair he's tall, taller than me but shorter than Will. He smirked as he noticed me and I quickly became strangely drawn to him, although I shrugged this off as quickly as the realisation came.

"Hey" his smirk disappeared for a smile. "hi" I mumbled back certainly quite uninterested at this point."I'm George and I'm guessing you're my new roommate?" He asked practically shoving Will out the way, who flopped on the couch. Seeming defeated.

"Right, I'm Alex" I responded, as a smile involuntary made its way onto my lips."You do youtube?" he asked, sipping his orange juice he poured before introducing himself.

"Y-Yeah I make commentary videos and that" I inform him, suddenly feeling small under his gaze which strangely didn't seem to leave me, my cheeks were red, I could tell"

Fuck anxiety, it was definitely anxiety

"Nice to know, we should collab" he stated, rather that asking. "that'd be cool" I snap out of a daze as I realised both Will and George were staring in my direction.

He started towards his door before turning around "Alex" he caught my attention "Yeah?" I responded fixated to where I was standing. "Feel free to, you know ask for anything you need" he licked his bottom lip. "oh! Yeah of course urm thanks George, I will" I said haphazardly as I wondered if I was  hallucinating."No problem mate" he quirked an eyebrow, disappearing to his room.

"Any guys you're interested in?" Will enquired sneeringly, still on the couch. "Fuck off Will" I replied throwing myself next to him. "Really though be careful" he warned, seriously.

"He'll say what you want to hear, you know?" He smiled a sympathetic type of smile. "I don't really understand, what you mean?" I reply confused. "You mean he'll hit it then un-submit it?" I wondered out loud as Will snorted "I'm trying to be serious, he reminded me seriously

"But, he seems nice enough " I argued. "Nice enough" he snorted again. "he isn't, he's a right bellend. But I suppose you'll find out eventually" he says standing up as I sigh, stretching my arms up.

"You probably just have sticks up your ass because he won't join your nonce club" I said, crossing my arms.
"Alex, if that club existed you'd be the founder, that isn't hard to tell." He smirked.

"Anyhow I'll see yous later ok? You can message me whenever, for anything you need, Just know I probably won't reply " he said
as he opened the door.

"Anything you need", the same phrase with quite a few different meanings as I'd found out.

"Yeah, thanks Will" I rolled my eyes as he closed the door, both of us waving until the door was completely shut.

I yawned, walking to my room. Deciding to call it a night, I pulled on some shorts and a random top. Inevitably tripping over my box and stumbling into my bed. Staring at the ceiling until I eventually fell asleep.

A/n So this is what I'm doing now, this will most likely be fast paced and cringy and have slow updates but I'll try

Also I got my eyebrow pierced today it hurt like a bitch, kinda like when your dad says he just getting milk but it's been 5 years.


Thanks for reading, remember to vote and comment x

My pm's are always open, you can vent or anything you want because stuff is a lot sometimes. I get it.

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