Not breathing seemed like a good idea

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Alex's pov

I hum along to attention as it plays in the background of me editing, I smile as I watch a part where George and Will had an argument about who was the 'top shagger'.

I pause the music as I went to make some tea because being hydrated is important and because tea is just genuinely everything.

I tap my fingers on the side as my phone dings signaling I got a message.
"So what we doing tonight? x" I read as I pull it out of my pocket, it was the one and only Stephen Tries.

"You're back??" I quickly reply, as the kettle finishes boiling "Just got back a few hours ago :)" he replied just as fast "Mario cart and drinks at mine?" I type as I pour the kettle.

"Yes ye yes see ya later mate x I'll come up 5 " I read as I finished "I'm bringing the boys btw" he sent after "sounds good x"
I message back.

I smile as I pick up my tea, grabbing some bourbons. (A/n bourbon biscuits are penggg 😤👌👌👌🤠)
I start walking back to my room a kind of jump in my step before I stop in my tracks, realizing I should probably inform that nonce that everyone is coming over.

I place my mug down on the coffee table as I walk closer to his door, I hear screaming which would've been concerning if I didn't know about his YouTube but fortunately I did. "Yeet!" He screams as I hear a bang, he really was different for the internet.

I wasn't sure weather to tell him right now but seeing as it was 4:00 I probably should. I quietly knock on the door, hoping I don't annoy him.

"cOme in!" he shouts, as I walk in I see he's recording himself instead of his usual giraffe game. Still wearing his bandana and glasses which makes no sense considering you can see his eyes in multiple videos but it's his decision obviously.

I realize he's still recording as I walk in "Have you seen I saw your Willy?" He asks as I stare at him debating weather I should leave. "Can't say I have George" I laugh walking over to him.

"Guess Alex is joining us for this one" he says towards the camera, I play along. Sitting on his bed just behind him so I was in shot.

"So if you don't know Alex this is Alex, he's my roommate and he's friends with that ginger Stephen Tries guy and sNake WillNe" he says looking at me "alright?" I greet to the camera giving a small wave.

After a while of laughing at unfunny jokes we made and watching the iconic "I saw your willy" video George finished up the video, "So go subscribe to Alex, because there's probably gonna be a few collabs in the future" he says before doing an outro and turning off his camera.

"So what did you want?" he asks turning around in his chair, "I just wanted to let you know the boys are coming over at 5" I say as I look around his kinda plain room.

"That's fine" he replies taking his bandana and sunglasses off. "Want to join? We're doing Mario cart and most likely getting pissed" I laugh as he turns back to me "sure, that sounds good" he says before sighing, as he turns back to his setup.

An awkward silence settles over us as I feel I getting harder to breathe. "Shit, what did I do?" I think racking my brain for answers as I panic more. Awkward silences fucking sucked in my opinion what the fuck do you expect me to say?

I tried to mask that I was having trouble breathing by not breathing, which seemed like a good idea at the time before it got too much to not breathe.

"G-george" I splutter out as I shut my eyes tight, clenching my fists as I forget the methods I'd learnt to control it.

Opened my eyes to see George kneeling between my legs, he held my each of my hands in his. Rubbing my knuckles softly as he spoke to me and I felt my vision go blurry and my head get dizzy.

"Remember to breathe ok?" I nod in response "In through your nose and out your mouth" he repeats as I did, shaky breaths leaving my mouth. "Good boy, just keep going like that for me. ok?" He asks, my heart fluttering at the gentle tone in his voice as he spoke to me.

I close my eyes again as I steady my breathing, Starting to feel sleepy. Yawning, I open my eyes quickly as I felt myself being picked up. "I'm sor-" He shushes me placing me down onto his bed and tucking me in.

"I'll be editing that video, tell me if you need anything" he says smiling lightly, I suddenly got a bout of confidence and say something I'll most likely regret, "Cuddle with m-me?"

He smiles as he gets in next to me, like he wanted to. My face probably being the same shade as a bloody tomato by now.

I nuzzle further into his chest as he wraps his arms around me, I'm warm and I feel safe and it's everything I want but something feels off, like really off. But I decide to brush those thoughts away, leaning into his hand as he plays with my hair.

"Alex you're actually adorable, you know that?" He asks as I look up at him "no I'm not, shut up" I say not knowing how to respond to the compliment "Yeah, you are" he says as our foreheads are almost touching "shut up" I say quietly "make me, kitten" he whispers placing his thumb under his chin as he kisses me briefly.

I connect our lips again, softly since I hadn't had much experience with this before. It seems to progress as he bites my lip for entrance making the kiss more heated.

"You're so fit" I groan as I feel his mouth move down to my Jawline. I can tell he wants to mark me so I let him, he sucks just behind my Jawline. I can feel his smile against my neck as I gasp, he leaves a light kiss on the spot after he's finished.

I quickly move my (probably most likely) blushing face into his chest I actually just wanted to sleep now, panic attacks are exhausting. He seems understand that as he lets me stay there.

"So much for staying away from him" I think to myself as I fall asleep in his arms, forgetting about later.

A/n I'm really sorry this is actually horrible, it'll get better eventually.

Also you know the psa where there's a nonce and he's messaging this girl and he wants noods then coldplay starts to play? That's my favorite, some guy in my class got a detention for laughing about it. He was a complete twat back then though he's decent now which is nice.

Do you have a favorite psa?

Thanks for reading, remember to vote and comment x

My pm's are always open, you can vent or anything you want because stuff is a lot sometimes. I get it.

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