To give birth to something is to destroy the World right before your eyes

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Hello everyone it's me the failed author, as much as I suck at writing I wanted to write something to let 3 people who know me here know that I'm alive (surprisingly) and that I still suck at writing. This is a small one-shot where I will pair two of my favourite characters from Tokyo Human Eto and Amon. This pairing would usually make approximately 0 sense because they have interacted only once but the power of iMajination (imagination) can do anything even make me eat raw fish. Without further ado I present you the long awaited story I amazingly named, the (insert name).

Amon is sitting on the bed in his room thinking about all the events that happened since he has become a one-eyed ghoul and all the battles he has fought with Eto.

Amon: I can't let us get killed...

Amon: Not like this

Eto comes in the room

Eto: It has been a long day Koutarou-kun

Eto sits beside Amon on the bed.

Amon: Yes it has Eto, it will only get harder from here on out, I don't know if will be able to pull through this

Amon appears to be in deep thoughts

Eto: Something's bothering you I can see it

Amon: It's just we've already been through so much and I haven't even seen 1% of life, if I had it bad in these few years than I can't even begin to imagine what it has been like for you who has lived like this from the very beginning and you still want to fight for the right cause.

Amon thinks about the difference between him and her. It is one thing to have lost everything but what if you never had it in the first place. Eto has never known what is true love, after all she was never truly wanted. The world offered Eto nothing but suffering so she longed for what is called love although she could never have it so she instead chose to destroy. She has always walked the path of loneliness, sadness and sorrow. Her destruction brought her only more sorrow and loneliness while changing nothing. Like a child from one of her novels she has forgotten how to go back home but it didn't matter because there was nowhere to go back too.

Eto smiles at this, a sad and a happy smile at the same time, a sad one for remembering her bitter past and a happy one for realising how blessed she is for meeting Amon.

Eto: Well Koutarou-kun I think you're forgetting that I have done so many horrible, inexcusable things, I have killed a lot of people and I will continue doing so until I realise my dream

Amon: I know but after hearing it from Arima-san himself I just cannot help but feel like I need to change the World... Together with you... Together with Arima-san. You know when I was a first-class investigator in the CCG I thought of you as nothing but a monster who has killed so many of my comrades, the most formidable enemy CCG has ever faced but now... I see how delusional and wrong I was... How oblivious I was to all the dark secrets the Washuus have been hiding. You have opened my eyes Eto and gave me the opportunity to finally for once in my life do what's right and help people who don't deserve all this tragedy.

Eto at first seems surprised by this but then she smiles, an honest smile not a fake and artificial one she gives her executives and subordinates in Aogiri when she commands them, but the one which glistens with hope.

Eto: I think you're thinking way too highly of me Koutarou-kun unlike you I have never cared about justice and I have never put others in front of my dream. I have sacrificed many people and much more are to come soon. Even if we do succeed you won't be able to bring back those I killed, even if we survive this and live long enough to see our revolution bear fruit and see the World where both humans and ghouls live together peacefully do you really think I will just be forgiven for all the families that I have ruined? Of all the loved ones I have taken away from people whose said loved ones fought against me? Even if absolutely everything goes according to my plan I do not expect to live a cheerful life in the future.

To give birth to something is to destroy the World right before your eyesWhere stories live. Discover now