The Wedding

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The next morning I get a call from my best friend since high school while I was doing some wedding planning

Elizabeth: wazzup girl
Alexis: hey Liz what's up
Elizabeth: nothing much just doing some wedding planning
Alexis: who's wedding r u planning
Elizabeth: mine and Henry's
Alexis: ur getting married
Elizabeth: yea my bf proposed to me last night on our 2 year anniversary date
Alexis: congrats
Elizabeth: there's something I wanna ask u
Alexis: what
Elizabeth: do u wanna be my maid of honor at my wedding
Alexis: I would love to
Elizabeth: so is that a yes
Alexis: yes

As I wrap up my conversation and hang up the phone Henry asked me who was calling me

Henry: so who was that
Elizabeth: that was my best friend from high school and her name is Alexis and I asked her if she was interested in being my maid of honor at the wedding
Henry: what did she say
Elizabeth: she said she would love to be my maid of honor did u tell anyone that were engaged and getting married
Henry: yea I told my parents and my brothers that's about it right now
Elizabeth: do u have a best man
Henry: not yet but I was thinking about asking my younger brother
Elizabeth: ask him
Henry: I will

After Henry got his younger brother to be his best man we did the rest of the wedding planning while my maid of honor was planning the Bachelorette party and his best man was planning his bachelor party it took a couple months to plan the wedding

A week before the wedding i had my Bachlorette party and Henry had his bachelor party at my Bachelorette party my best friend/maid of honor hired a cute male dancer for the party and we did some other stuff and it was at her place while I was having my party Henry was having his bachelor party at a bar him and his boys was doing some guy we enjoyed our parties

(The wedding day)

Before the wedding Henry was talking to Charlie and I was talking to my best friend Alexis

Alexis: girl u look so beautiful
Elizabeth: girl I'm freaking out this is it today's the day
Alexis: everything is gonna be fine just take real deep breaths and try to calm down
Elizabeth: sorry I'm just a little nervous I'm just afraid something might go wrong
Alexis: what could go wrong
Elizabeth: one of us might say the wrong name it's possible
Alexis: don't worry it's gonna be ok just stay calm
Elizabeth: ok I'll try my best

While me and Alexis was having a before wedding conversation Henry and Charlie was having a conversation of there own

Charlie: so how r u feeling
Henry: a little bit nervous about the actual wedding
Charlie: why what could go wrong
Henry: she could walk out on me it's a possibility that she might say the wrong name or I might say the wrong name
Charlie: I'm sure she knows ur name well enough and I'm sure u know her name well enough to remember each other's names and she loves u to much to run out on u and everything is gonna be ok now its almost time for the wedding to start so let's get out there

It was time for the wedding to start the bridesmaids and the groomsmen was walking out Henry was waiting for me to walk down the aisle after the bridesmaids and the groomsmen was there everyone stood up I was walking down the aisle Henry started to smile after me and Henry was face to face the officiant made his opening remarks and we exchanged our vows then we did a ring exchange

Officiant: do u Elizabeth take the Henry to be ur wedded husband in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live
Elizabeth: I do
Officiant: do u Henry take the Elizabeth to be ur wedded wife in sickness and in health as long as u both shall live
Henry: I do
Officiant: I now pronounce u husband and wife u may now kiss the bride

So me and Henry had our first kiss as a married couple then we exited the ceremony together as newlyweds and ready to go on our honeymoon

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