7 - A Little Bit Of Lilo Love

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"What do you want for breakfast baby?" Nala asks Lilo who sits by her toys in the living room. Both girls are in jumpers as the fall weather settles in, Nala mainly wearing one because she always wears something long sleeved now; she doesn't mind shorts, skirts and dresses so long as her back is covered and her sleeves are past her elbows. It's a comfort thing she's developed.

Lilo thinks. "Waffas from Essy."

Nala laughs. "Again? Esme cooked for you yesterday. And the day before and the day before... Why doesn't mommy cook?"

Li shakes her head. "Essy."

She sighs. "Go on, call her."

Lilo giggles and runs to the front door, stretching on her tip toes to open it. She runs outside and stands tall. "Essy!!!" She calls as loud as she can. "Essy Essy Essssssyyyyyy."

Esme laughs as she hears the soft calls from in the forest. She sets her book down and runs to the house, walking out of the trees; Lilo shrieks with joy and runs to Esme who scoops her up. "What can I do for you, little monkey?"

Nala smiles as they walk in. "Sorry - again. She won't let me cook."

Esme laughs and sets Lilo on the kitchen counter. "It's okay, I enjoy our mornings. How are you?"

"I'm good. I'm actually really good." Nala admits as she leans by Lo, both girls watching Esme. "I was worried when Jasper said he'd be gone all weekend but being in our own home helped... Plus with you guys less than a mile away I know someone's always there if-if I freak out."

"I'm glad... It took a lot of convincing to get Jasper to go on a full hunting trip with the boys. He hasn't been in a while and-"

"He needed it." Nala says at the same time as Esme, both laughing at the same time too.

"Exactly. You want blueberries or banana?" She asks Lo.

"Bloobee." She says grinning as she licks her lips.

Esme pours the mix into the waffle iron and puts some blueberries on to Lilo's plate; Nala pours them both a juice and sets Lo on one of the bar stools, cutting the waffle up as Esme cooks her for her.

There's a gentle knock on the door and Nala looks over, surprised as Alice walks in. "Hi." She says shyly.

Alice smiles. "Hi... Any chance we can talk, privately?"

Esme freezes for less than a second before she serves the waffles to Nala, who stares at Alice shocked. "I'm s-sure yeah gimme a sec."

She goes upstairs to grab some shoes as Esme looks at Alice, warning her silently. Alice looks away and heads out as Nala follows, following Alice just into the trees. She knows Esme will hear still, not that she thinks Alice would do anything to harm her.


Alice leans on a tree and thinks of how to phrase it. "I had a vision - did Jasper ever explain how they work?"

"Yeah.. A vision about what?" Nala wraps her arms around herself in a protective manner.

Alice smiles sadly. "Taylor... Taylor knows where you are."

The air leaves Nala's lungs as she states at Alice, frozen in shock. No. No, it isn't possible, she's been safe. She used her own accounts, she made sure nothing was left behind, she changed her number and never gave a forwarding address. How?!

"He... He held a note, signed from Emily." She adds.

Nala's head snaps up. "Emily did this?"

"I don't know. But from what I saw it looks like he's going to receive a letter from Emily, I didn't catch what it said, but he's going to get on a plane and come looking. He doesn't know exactly where you are but he seems pretty determined."

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