Can't Choose (Chapter 6)

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TestTube's pov

"One, two, three..." I counted, "Three more days in till the wedding."

"Aww." Lightbulb groaned, as she lied on the carpet," Can't we get married today?"

"No Lightbulb." Paintbrush muffles under some chips.

"I'm bored, I wanna go to the park." Lightbulb sits up from her lying position.

"Can we go anywhere else besides the park?" Fan says,"There's too much light outside.."

"How about a movie?" I suggest.

"Do you remember the last time we went to the movies?" Fan makes a face.

"Right, Paintbrush got mad at the ending and put the chairs on fire." I recap as we all look over to Paintbrush.

"What?" They shrug, "It sucked.."

Baxter walks into the room and Lightbulb picks him up.

"Dog park?" Lightbulb asks.

"Baxter isn't a dog, Lightbulb." I correct her.

"I didn't say we had to take him!" Lightbulb huffs, "Well, I'm all out of ideas.."

"Said the bright one.." Paintbrush says under their breath.

"I heard that!" Lightbulb's eyes sharpen, trying to be intimidating, but giving the look of a child instead.

Lightbulb puts Baxter down.

"Can we maybe go someplace to eat then?" Lightbulb puts out what seems to be her last idea

"Alright fine." I give in.

"Sure, I'm down." Paintbrush sighs and we all look over to Fan, who of course, isn't paying attention.

"Huh?" He looks up from his phone.

"Okay, that's 3 yes and one 'huh?", we're going out to eat." Lightbulb confirms.

"Alright then." Fan shrugs.

So we all get dressed and head out.

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"So, where we heading?" Lightbulb asks.

Paintbrush is driving since they're the best at it, and the rest of us we're too lazy to drive anyway.

"Um..Wendy's?" Paintbrush suggest.

"No Fast food please." I suddenly feel sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

"Oh, okay.." Paintbrush starts looking for someplace else.

"How about Chinese?" Lightbulb tries.

"No thanks.." Fan says, playing with his fingers. He can't have any service on the road.

"Chicken?" I rattle my mind for ideas, but nothing comes to me.

"We had Chicken last week.." Paintbrush looks disappointed.

"Okay, Pizza?" Lightbulb is really determined to try and find something, but even she is looking tired.

"Um, okay I can eat guys?" Paintbrush agrees.

"Sure." Fan nods.

"Yeah okay.." I feel like something is, off. It angers me that I can't explain it.

Paintbrush pulls into the pizzeria and we all step out of the car and into the pizza place. 

"Hello, can I help you?" Someone asks as we all sit down.

"Yeah can we get, um.." Paintbrush trails off suddenly, "um.."

"Cheese!" Lightbulb quickly finishes for Paintbrush, "A cheese pizza!"

"Okay, would you like a drink?"

"Yeah, water is good."

The waiter leaves.

"Paintbrush? You okay? You sorta stopped talking there.." I ask

"Oh, yeah sorry..just a little tired is all" Paintbrush puts on a faint smile.

"Okay.." I can hear the concern in my voice and somehow it makes me cringe.Everyone seems like coming here was a mistake.

Were we getting bored of each other?

Thoughts and insecurity start pouring out of my head like words and I start staring into space.

*Snap, snap*

"Tube?" Lightbulb snaps her fingers.

"Ah! Sorry.." I apologize.

"What happened?" Fan looks at me with an intrigued gaze.

"I was just thinking"I look for an excuse...something..anything..

"Lightbulb's beautiful eyes!" I suddenly blurt out.

My face turns a bright pink.

Lightbulb stumbles back from shock and falls on a table behind us, launching a pizza right onto Paintbrush's hair!

"Ouch!" They fling the pizza onto Fan by accident.

"Hey!"Fan throws the pizza in my direction. But the pizza flies by me.



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"I can not believe what happened back there." Paintbrush says, wiping pizza sauces from their face and hair.

I couldn't believe it either. The pizza flew straight into the manager's face. He looked so angry! Then he immediately told us to get out.

I have never been so embarrassed in my entire life..

"I'm sorry.." I apologize. "It was my fault, if I hadn't reacted so weird and absurdly, we wouldn't have gotten kicked out."

"Hey, it's okay!" Lightbulb pats my shoulder, "I wanted to get out of there anyway, it was so awkward."

"Same here, it almost felt as if everything was.. off." Paintbrush adds.

"I got this weird eerie feeling, it was really weird." Fan kicks at his shoelace that's untied.

"You said weird twice." Lightbulb points out.

We laugh.

" C'mon, let's ditch this place." Lightbulb calls out, running,"Race you to the car!"

"You're on!" I run after her.

Hey! I'm back with another chapter! Hope you enjoyed it. Bye!


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