Hollow Street - A Murder Mystery Story

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The house on Hollow Street was a safe haven for girls all over England. All girls - poor, rich, young, old - were welcome. For a while, when the house was first established, there was a large controversy over the matter. A house full of girls, with no authority figure to steady them? At the time, it seemed like an outrageous idea, and a petition was started to have it destroyed. The petition, however, never made it through the government doors. The public, while not in favour of the idea, came to the conclusion that there was truly no harm done. It is not our fault, they liked to remark, if they end up on the streets, selling their own clothes in order to make a living. And so the house was allowed to stay.

The backlash gave the house fame, and soon it was known far and wide. While disapproving stares were tossed at the grand house, and snide remarks made at lunch parties, the house stayed. Decades passed, and the house soon became like the trees surrounding its exterior - simply a part of everyday. It was only a source of amazement to the groups of newcomers who huddled, whispering excitedly, on Hollow Street, marvelling at the house that had gathered so much attention. And so the house remained, with its inhabitants blissfully enjoying each day they stayed within the walls.

That is, until the summer of 1910.

During that summer, the house became famous for something else entirely.

That house on Hollow Street was known for murder.

WARNING: This story contains scenes of violence and murder. While some of these scenes will not be graphic or in detail, it is advised to take appropriate actions if you are uncomfortable. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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