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Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! I just created a handful of characters for my own amusement.

Thank you all for giving this story a chance. I absolutely loved AQUAMAN and really wanted to write a story surrounding these characters and I wanted to explore Atlantis. I especially liked King Orm and think he might've made a great king if he had the right person with him.

If you enjoy this story, please check out other stories I've written. Winter Break is here so hopefully I'll update them more frequently!

Atlanna stood on the balcony of her son's chambers and admired the majestic lights of her kingdom and sighed. Despite it's beauty, the grand aquatic city brought no comfort for the queen. When she look out at the vastness of her kingdom she thought about the family she left behind. She battled the constant ache in her chest when she saw these bright light dance across the ocean. Arthur would've loved to see this, she thought and was thankful that the sea carried away her tears.

"Mother?" a small voice called behind her. That tiny voice brought a genuine smile on the fair queen's lips. She turned around and swam toward her youngest son.

"Yes, my darling?"

"Where's Vulko?" he asked as he fiddled with a starfish he found. Orm was a true joy that Atlanna had in Atlantis. While Orvax treated her with the respect of nobility, that's all she received. She knew that she could never expect love from this marriage but she had hoped at least a kind of friendship would bloom especially with the loving innocent child they shared. But alas, in this sea of loneliness, she still had Orm.

"Remember, darling," she smiled. "Vulko's wife is had a baby and we're giving them some time to be together."

"Can we see the baby?" his bright blue eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Father said we could!"

She giggled. "You really want to see the baby?"

He shrugged. "I've never seen one before."

Her bubbly laugh echoed in the water. "You really are a curious little guppy!"

He joined her laughter as he clumsily swam to hug her neck. She welcomed the embrace. she held onto him as she swam through the palace to find Vulko's residence. Guards and servants would nod and greet them as the passed by. Atlanna gracefully nodded her head in return while Orm wildly waved his free arm shouting "Hi!" That always brightened the palace staff. When they finally arrived at Vulko's residence, Orm immediately pulled himself from his mother's arms and unsteadily swam around eager to find his father's vizier.

"VULKO!" he shouted.

Atlanna shushed him. "Be still, Orm. This isn't our home."

"My Queen," Vulko came around the corner and bowed before the royal family. "and my Prince. What a pleasant surprise."

"Sorry I shouted, Vulko." Orm hugged Vulko's arm.

"I appreciate the apology, my Prince." he turned to Atlanna. "I'm assuming you're here to see the baby?"

Orm nodded eagerly. "Uh-huh! I wanna play with them! Where are they?"

"Orm..." Atlanna raised her voice a little as a warning to the little prince.

Vulko laughed and held onto the prince. "Of course you can see her..."

"A girl?" Atlanna smiled. "How wonderful, my friend!"

"Can I still play with her?" Orm wouldn't budge from this topic. It was lonely being the only child around the palace. The other noble children had tutors and residences of their own so Orm was never able to play with them and his father forbid him from playing with the servants' children. That would be considered "stepping beyond their station", whatever that meant.

Vulko smiled at the prince and understood his loneliness. "We have to be very gentle with her because she is a baby. You won't be able to do much because she doesn't know how to do a lot of things."

"Oh." Orm hung his head in disappointment. He really wanted someone to play with.

"However," Vulko caught the boy pouting. "She'll be in desperate need of a protector and teacher. I'll be so busy helping your parents and her mother will be so busy with the academy..." Vulko made sure to exaggerate his movements. He hoped that this would inspire the child to help out so he wouldn't feel so alone.

"I can help! I can help!" Orm bounced in Vulko's arms. "I'm a better swimmer now! An-and I'm learning my letters! I'm much more better! I can teach her!"

"Oh I don't want to impose, my prince..." he winked at Atlanna.

"I can do it." the prince insisted.

The trio finally arrived at the nursery. Orm looked around and saw that it was decorated with magnificent shells, some dyed in different colors, with a mural of a school of fish and a pod of dolphins. Above the elaborate crib was a mobile made of Atlantean crystal that constantly changed color with the light. Orm swam to the edge of the crib and held on to the side. He looked puzzled at the tiny creature in the crib. She had black curly hair that floated around and had bright green eyes staring back at him. She gurgled for a moment then smiled at him. What surprised the trio was that she laughed then reached for the prince. Mesmerized, Orm reached into the crib and allowed her to grip his finger. The baby continued to gurgle and smile at the prince.

Vulko and Atlanna smiled at each other. "I think she likes him." Atlanna whispered.

Vulko nodded. "She's such a happy creature. We thank the gods everyday for her...we were beginning to lose hope..."

Atlanna touched his shoulder. "The gods made their will known. What is her name?"

"Nerida." He said with pride.

"What a beautiful name." Atlanna turned to Orm. "Come, my darling. We must leave the family to rest."

"But..." Orm pouted.

"No buts." she held out her hand for him to take. "You can see her tomorrow."

"Can I really?" Orm looked up at Vulko with hopeful eyes.

"She'll be right here waiting for you."

Orm turned back to the baby and whispered. "Bye bye, Nerida. We're gonna to be bestest friends!"

Orm waved goodbye to Vulko then followed his mother. As he swam beside her, he thought about the baby. Maybe he could ask his parents for a sibling. That way he and Nerida could have another friend to play with. That night when his parents said goodnight to him, he asked the question that was burning in his head since meeting Nerida. "Father? Mother? Can I have a brother or sister?"

King Orvax chuckled, "Why do you ask this, child?"

Orm shrugged. "I want Nerida and me to have another friend to play with."

King Orvax ruffled his son's hair and smiled. "We'll see. Let the gods' will be known." He held a hand for Atlanna to take. Her smile faltered a little but she accepted it. More than anything she wanted to tell Orm that he already had a brother waiting for him on the surface. You would love Arthur, she thought as she swam away with her husband, and I know that he would love you too.

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